CyCoreSystems / asterisk-k8s-demo

Demo of scalable Asterisk on Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
158 stars 72 forks source link

Asterisk CrashLoopBackOff #23

Open Mash0103 opened 3 years ago

Mash0103 commented 3 years ago

Hi i am a beginner and just trying out on asterisk to understand how it works. However i have a problem deploying the asterisk and the asterisk pod giving me the status CrashLoopBackOff. Below are some of the details for your reference. Can you help guide on me to see what is wrong. Thank you

NAME                            READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
pod/asterisk-6fc6c99fbc-mvpsj   2/3     CrashLoopBackOff   4          2m5s
pod/kamailio-c46kf              3/3     Running            1          32h
pod/nats-5cbb79bcbc-llx56       1/1     Running            0          32h

NAME               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/asterisk   ClusterIP   <none>        5060/UDP                     21d
service/kamailio   ClusterIP     <none>        5060/UDP                     21d
service/nats       ClusterIP   <none>        4222/TCP,6222/TCP,8222/TCP   21d

daemonset.apps/kamailio   1         1         1       1            1           type=kamailio   21d

NAME                       READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/asterisk   0/1     1            0           32h
deployment.apps/nats       1/1     1            1           21d

NAME                                  DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/asterisk-6fc6c99fbc   1         1         0       2m5s
replicaset.apps/asterisk-78f755686c   0         0         0       32h
replicaset.apps/asterisk-7bfc96c6     0         0         0       2m30s
replicaset.apps/nats-5cbb79bcbc       1         1         1       32h

kubectl describe pod asterisk --namespace=voip
Name:         asterisk-6fc6c99fbc-mvpsj
Namespace:    voip
Priority:     0
Node:         minikube/
Start Time:   Sat, 28 Aug 2021 09:14:55 +0800
Labels:       component=asterisk
Annotations: 2021-08-28T09:15:22+08:00
Status:       Running
Controlled By:  ReplicaSet/asterisk-6fc6c99fbc
    Container ID:   docker://0c11c510e376c506bcb2ef20755e28a5455cbfd122aec7a92769ad9d59fd970d
    Image:          cycoresystems/asterisk:16.6.1
    Image ID:       docker-pullable://cycoresystems/asterisk@sha256:47a24e0797e9705a3750d6f79e5fc59f548b6b2d74e19df47fbc909c48dc6df8
    Port:           <none>
    Host Port:      <none>
    State:          Running
      Started:      Sat, 28 Aug 2021 09:14:58 +0800
    Last State:     Terminated
      Reason:       Error
      Exit Code:    1
      Started:      Sat, 28 Aug 2021 09:14:56 +0800
      Finished:     Sat, 28 Aug 2021 09:14:57 +0800
    Ready:          True
    Restart Count:  1
    Environment:    <none>
      /etc/asterisk from config (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-sfqbn (ro)
    Container ID:   docker://78449250d13f3dd818ea1cb95b31549190555decf884ec9c3b0e9c90ccf60a22
    Image:          cycoresystems/asterisk-config:v0.9.1
    Image ID:       docker-pullable://cycoresystems/asterisk-config@sha256:287a892b776febe8a550313459fee857918bc10e9e3f5fc80e5575e6df21cf05
    Port:           <none>
    Host Port:      <none>
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       CrashLoopBackOff
t State:     Terminated
      Reason:       Error
      Exit Code:    1
      Started:      Sat, 28 Aug 2021 10:40:52 +0800
      Finished:     Sat, 28 Aug 2021 10:41:00 +0800
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  21
    Environment:    <none>
      /etc/asterisk from config (rw)
      /source from custom (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-sfqbn (ro)
    Container ID:   docker://8656d0d1911bf89d2398ebb9e2b2dd1143373a806afec5432972db09c5292a31
    Image:          cycoresystems/ari-proxy:v5.0.1
    Image ID:       docker-pullable://cycoresystems/ari-proxy@sha256:ac7a7f3c59ca79e2eecd1d911c82caac9deba19cd8f8a9a781e72ce67ec43dde
    Port:           <none>
    Host Port:      <none>
    State:          Running
      Started:      Sat, 28 Aug 2021 09:14:57 +0800
    Ready:          True
    Restart Count:  0
      NATS_URI:         nats://nats:4222
      ARI_APPLICATION:  demo
      ARI_USERNAME:     admin
      ARI_PASSWORD:     admin
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-sfqbn (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True
  Ready             False
  ContainersReady   False
  PodScheduled      True
    Type:       EmptyDir (a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime)
    SizeLimit:  <unset>
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  asterisk-config
    Optional:    false
    Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
    TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
    ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
    ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
    DownwardAPI:             true
QoS Class:                   BestEffort
Node-Selectors:              <none>
Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
                    op=Exists for 300s
  Type     Reason   Age                    From     Message
  ----     ------   ----                   ----     -------
  Normal   Pulled   14m (x20 over 89m)     kubelet  Container image "cycoresystems/asterisk-config:v0.9.1" already present on machine
  Warning  BackOff  4m10s (x380 over 89m)  kubelet  Back-off restarting failed container`
BrunoDuarte commented 2 years ago

I'm facing the same problem. It seems that the asterisk is not finding the configurations:

➜  live-demo git:(master) ✗ kubectl -n voip logs asterisk-858798cc48-gjtcq asterisk
Unable to set high priority
XSLT support not found. XML documentation may be incomplete.
XSLT support not found. XML documentation may be incomplete.
PBX UUID: ae4c5817-3df6-40c6-a90e-21c650ad8de3
Unable to load config file 'stasis.conf'
Could not load Stasis configuration; using defaults
[Apr  4 15:11:16] NOTICE[1]: loader.c:2377 load_modules: 113 modules will be loaded.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] WARNING[1]: ccss.c:4386 initialize_cc_max_requests: Could not find valid ccss.conf file. Using cc_max_requests default
[Apr  4 15:11:16] WARNING[1]: ccss.c:4443 initialize_cc_devstate_map: Could not find valid ccss.conf file. Using cc_[state]_devstate defaults
[Apr  4 15:11:16] NOTICE[1]: cdr.c:4517 cdr_toggle_runtime_options: CDR simple logging enabled.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config_options.c:710 aco_process_config: Unable to load config file 'cel.conf'
[Apr  4 15:11:16] NOTICE[1]: cel.c:1636 load_module: Failed to process CEL configuration; using defaults
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config_options.c:710 aco_process_config: Unable to load config file 'features.conf'
[Apr  4 15:11:16] NOTICE[1]: features_config.c:1874 load_config: Could not load features config; using defaults
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config_options.c:710 aco_process_config: Unable to load config file 'acl.conf'
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config_options.c:710 aco_process_config: Unable to load config file 'udptl.conf'
[Apr  4 15:11:16] NOTICE[1]: udptl.c:1338 __ast_udptl_reload: Could not load udptl config; using defaults
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:320 sorcery_config_internal_load: Unable to load config file 'pjproject.conf'
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config_options.c:710 aco_process_config: Unable to load config file 'pjsip_notify.conf'
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: config.c:1933 process_text_line: The file 'pjsip_custom.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: res_sorcery_config.c:326 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file 'pjsip.conf' are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr  4 15:11:16] NOTICE[1]: confbridge/conf_config_parser.c:2304 verify_default_profiles: Adding default_bridge profile to app_confbridge
[Apr  4 15:11:16] NOTICE[1]: confbridge/conf_config_parser.c:2315 verify_default_profiles: Adding default_user profile to app_confbridge
[Apr  4 15:11:16] NOTICE[1]: confbridge/conf_config_parser.c:2326 verify_default_profiles: Adding default_menu menu to app_confbridge
[Apr  4 15:11:16] WARNING[1]: app_voicemail.c:14597 actual_load_config: Failed to load configuration file.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] WARNING[1]: loader.c:2381 load_modules: Some non-required modules failed to load.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: loader.c:2396 load_modules: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: loader.c:2396 load_modules: Failed to resolve dependencies for res_pjsip_transport_websocket
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: loader.c:2396 load_modules: res_pjsip_transport_websocket declined to load.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: loader.c:2396 load_modules: res_pjsip_notify declined to load.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: loader.c:2396 load_modules: Failed to resolve dependencies for res_ari_events
[Apr  4 15:11:16] ERROR[1]: loader.c:2396 load_modules: res_ari_events declined to load.
[Apr  4 15:11:16] WARNING[1]: config.c:2020 process_text_line: No '=' (equal sign) in line 2 of /etc/asterisk/cli.conf