CyanLabs / ESP-MQTT-JSON-Digital-LEDs

ESP MQTT Digital LEDs for Home Assistant's MQTT JSON Light Component. Supports flash, fade, transitions, effects, and OTA uploading!
Apache License 2.0
18 stars 5 forks source link

how to fix this? #15

Closed KodiMkd closed 5 years ago

KodiMkd commented 5 years ago

20190918_111418 Ani idea how to fix this? Do i need to go to yaml or arduino file for a fix? Im getting stuck full day and no results.

Fma965 commented 5 years ago

You aren't using my YAML. I have no animation speed in my YAML

KodiMkd commented 5 years ago

Actually I'm using your yaml file and your arduino . Efore tgat i was trying with brug files..thats why i have those things..but i dont know where to go to fix yaml or arduino? And dont close this issue untill i get help and close it. Please.

KodiMkd commented 5 years ago

You aren't using my YAML. I have no animation speed in my YAML

dude please help me im banging my head for 2 weeks now i cannot find out wtf is wrong. here is what i use (all your files). Before this i tried with bruh files ,but i found your codes and decided to switch. Since than i cannot remove those lines frpm HA or just have your lines appear in HA. NOTE: even if it doesnt look thats spaces are not important..i carrefully took care to count to the last letter spaces is in your raw yaml.

This is yaml file:

Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)


Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.



Text to speech


group: !include groups.yaml automation: !include automations.yaml script: !include scripts.yaml

mqtt: broker: port: 1883 client_id: home-assistant-1 username: hidden password: Hidden light:

And this is arduino file:

/* .__ .__ .____. __ . . .____. ____ . . | \ | \ | | | | | | | | / \ | | | | | | / \ | \/ | / \ | || | / \ | \ | | | |) | | |) | | | | | | || | / ^ \ | | | | ---| |----| | | | | \ / | / ^ \ ---| |----| | | | | | | | | | _ < | / | | | | | | / /\ \ | | | | | | | | | | | |\/| | / /\ \ | | | | | | | | | . | | |_) | | |\ \-.|--' | | | | | / ___ \ | --' | | | |--' | | | | | / ___ \ | | | | | --' | | |\ | |______/ | _|.| ____/ || || // \\ ___/ || _/ || || // \\ || || \/ || \|

 __  __           _ _  __ _          _   _              ______   __ _    _   _ _        _    ____ ____   _   _ _____ _____ 
|  \/  | ___   __| (_)/ _(_) ___  __| | | |__  _   _   / ___\ \ / // \  | \ | | |      / \  | __ ) ___| | \ | | ____|_   _|
| |\/| |/ _ \ / _` | | |_| |/ _ \/ _` | | '_ \| | | | | |    \ V // _ \ |  \| | |     / _ \ |  _ \___ \ |  \| |  _|   | |  
| |  | | (_) | (_| | |  _| |  __/ (_| | | |_) | |_| | | |___  | |/ ___ \| |\  | |___ / ___ \| |_) |__) || |\  | |___  | |  
|_|  |_|\___/ \__,_|_|_| |_|\___|\__,_| |_.__/ \__, |  \____| |_/_/   \_\_| \_|_____/_/   \_\____/____(_)_| \_|_____| |_|  


This is a modified and combined version created by Fma965, it gathers many effects found around the internet including Bruhs, Bkpsu and The-Red-Team. Most of the credit goes to Bruh for the base code.





include "FastLED.h"




/**** WIFI and MQTT Information (CHANGE THESE FOR YOUR SETUP) **/ const char ssid = "hidden"; //type your WIFI information inside the quotes const char password = "hidden"; // const char mqtt_server = ""; const char mqtt_username = "hidden"; const char* mqtt_password = "hidden"; const int mqtt_port = 17105;

/**** FOR OTA **/

define SENSORNAME "RGBStrip" //change this to whatever you want to call your device

define OTApassword "000" //the password you will need to enter to upload remotely via the ArduinoIDE

int OTAport = 8266;

/***** MQTT TOPICS (change these topics as you wish) **/ const char light_state_topic = "home/RGBStrip1"; const char light_set_topic = "home/RGBStrip1/set"; const char light_set_topic_group = "home/LEDStrip_Group1/set"; const char LWT_topic = "home/RGBStrip1/LWT";

const char on_cmd = "ON"; const char off_cmd = "OFF"; const char* effect = "solid"; String effectString = "solid"; String oldeffectString = "solid";

/****FOR JSON***/ const int BUFFER_SIZE = JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(10);


/*** FastLED Defintions ****/

define NUM_LEDS 300

define DATA_PIN 6

//#define CLOCK_PIN 5

define CHIPSET WS2812


byte realRed = 0; byte realGreen = 0; byte realBlue = 0;

byte red = 255; byte green = 255; byte blue = 255; byte brightness = 255;




//To set a fixed MUSIC_SENSITIVITY you must un comment the line "int audio_input = analogRead(audio) * MUSIC_SENSITIVITY;" near the bottom.

// AUDIO INPUT SETUP int audio = A0;

// STANDARD VISUALIZER VARIABLES int loop_max = 0; int k = 255; // COLOR WHEEL POSITION int wheel_speed = 3; // COLOR WHEEL SPEED int decay = 0; // HOW MANY MS BEFORE ONE LIGHT DECAY int decay_check = 0; long pre_react = 0; // NEW SPIKE CONVERSION long react = 0; // NUMBER OF LEDs BEING LIT long post_react = 0; // OLD SPIKE CONVERSION

///////////////DrZzs Palettes for custom BPM effects////////////////////////// ///////////////Add any custom palettes here//////////////////////////////////

// Gradient palette "bhw2_thanks_gp", originally from // // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 36 bytes of program space.

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( bhw2_thanks_gp ) { 0, 9, 5, 1, 48, 25, 9, 1, 76, 137, 27, 1, 96, 98, 42, 1, 124, 144, 79, 1, 153, 98, 42, 1, 178, 137, 27, 1, 211, 23, 9, 1, 255, 9, 5, 1};

// Gradient palette "bhw2_redrosey_gp", originally from // // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 32 bytes of program space.

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( bhw2_redrosey_gp ) { 0, 103, 1, 10, 33, 109, 1, 12, 76, 159, 5, 48, 119, 175, 55,103, 127, 175, 55,103, 178, 159, 5, 48, 221, 109, 1, 12, 255, 103, 1, 10};

// Gradient palette "bluered_gp", originally from // // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 12 bytes of program space.

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( bluered_gp ) { 0, 0, 0,255, 127, 255,255,255, 255, 255, 0, 0};

// Gradient palette "bhw2_xmas_gp", originally from // // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 48 bytes of program space.

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( bhw2_xmas_gp ) { 0, 0, 12, 0, 40, 0, 55, 0, 66, 1,117, 2, 77, 1, 84, 1, 81, 0, 55, 0, 119, 0, 12, 0, 153, 42, 0, 0, 181, 121, 0, 0, 204, 255, 12, 8, 224, 121, 0, 0, 244, 42, 0, 0, 255, 42, 0, 0};

// Gradient palette "bhw2_xc_gp", originally from // // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 28 bytes of program space.

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( bhw2_xc_gp ) { 0, 4, 2, 9, 58, 16, 0, 47, 122, 24, 0, 16, 158, 144, 9, 1, 183, 179, 45, 1, 219, 220,114, 2, 255, 234,237, 1};

// Gradient palette "bhw1_04_gp", originally from // // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 20 bytes of program space.

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( bhw1_04_gp ) { 0, 229,227, 1, 15, 227,101, 3, 142, 40, 1, 80, 198, 17, 1, 79, 255, 0, 0, 45};

// Gradient palette "bhw4_051_gp", originally from // // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 36 bytes of program space.

// Gradient palette "fs2006_gp", originally from // // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 56 bytes of program space.

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( fs2006_gp ) { 0, 0, 49, 5, 34, 0, 49, 5, 34, 79,168, 66, 62, 79,168, 66, 62, 252,168, 92, 103, 252,168, 92, 103, 234, 81, 29, 143, 234, 81, 29, 143, 222, 30, 1, 184, 222, 30, 1, 184, 90, 13, 1, 238, 90, 13, 1, 238, 210, 1, 1, 255, 210, 1, 1};

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( bhw4_051_gp ) { 0, 1, 1, 4, 28, 16, 24, 77, 66, 35, 87,160, 101, 125,187,205, 127, 255,233, 13, 145, 125,187,205, 193, 28, 70,144, 224, 14, 19, 62, 255, 1, 1, 4};

// Gradient palette "blue_g2_5_gp", originally from // // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 16 bytes of program space.

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( blue_g2_5_gp ) { 0, 2, 6, 63, 127, 2, 9, 67, 255, 255, 255, 115, 255, 255, 255, 0};

// Gradient palette "bhw3_41_gp", originally from // // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 36 bytes of program space.

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( bhw3_41_gp ) { 0, 0, 0, 45, 71, 7, 12,255, 76, 75, 91,255, 76, 255,255,255, 81, 255,255,255, 178, 255,255,255, 179, 255, 55, 45, 196, 255, 0, 0, 255, 42, 0, 0};

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( test_gp ) { 0, 255, 0, 0, // Red // 32, 171, 85, 0, // Orange // 64, 171,171, 0, // Yellow // 96, 0,255, 0, // Green //128, 0,171, 85, // Aqua 160, 0, 0,255, // Blue //192, 85, 0,171, // Purple //224, 171, 0, 85, // Pink //255, 255, 0, 0};// and back to Red };

// Gradient palette "bhw2_greenman_gp", originally from // // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 12 bytes of program space.

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( bhw2_greenman_gp ) { 0, 1, 22, 1, 130, 1,168, 2, 255, 1, 22, 1};

// Gradient palette "PSU_gp" // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 12 bytes of program space.

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( PSU_gp ) { 0, 4, 30, 66, 127, 30, 64, 124, 255, 255,255,255};

// Gradient palette "Orange_to_Purple_gp", originally from // // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 12 bytes of program space.

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( Orange_to_Purple_gp ) { 0, 208, 50, 1, 127, 146, 27, 45, 255, 97, 12,178};


/**** GLOBALS for fade/flash ***/ bool stateOn = false; bool startFade = false; bool onbeforeflash = false; unsigned long lastLoop = 0; int transitionTime = 0; int delayMultiplier = 1; int effectSpeed = 0; bool inFade = false; int loopCount = 0; int stepR, stepG, stepB; int redVal, grnVal, bluVal;

bool flash = false; bool startFlash = false; int flashLength = 0; unsigned long flashStartTime = 0; byte flashRed = red; byte flashGreen = green; byte flashBlue = blue; byte flashBrightness = brightness;

/** GLOBALS for EFFECTS **/ //RAINBOW uint8_t thishue = 0; // Starting hue value. uint8_t deltahue = 10;

//CANDYCANE CRGBPalette16 currentPalettestriped; //for Candy Cane CRGBPalette16 hailPalettestriped; //for Hail CRGBPalette16 ThxPalettestriped; //for Thanksgiving CRGBPalette16 HalloweenPalettestriped; //for Halloween CRGBPalette16 HJPalettestriped; //for Holly Jolly CRGBPalette16 IndPalettestriped; //for Independence CRGBPalette16 gPal; //for fire

//NOISE static uint16_t dist; // A random number for our noise generator. uint16_t scale = 30; // Wouldn't recommend changing this on the fly, or the animation will be really blocky. uint8_t maxChanges = 48; // Value for blending between palettes. CRGBPalette16 targetPalette(OceanColors_p); CRGBPalette16 currentPalette(CRGB::Black);


define DENSITY 80

int twinklecounter = 0;

//RIPPLE uint8_t colour; // Ripple colour is randomized. int center = 0; // Center of the current ripple. int step = -1; // -1 is the initializing step. uint8_t myfade = 255; // Starting brightness.

define maxsteps 16 // Case statement wouldn't allow a variable.

uint8_t bgcol = 0; // Background colour rotates. int thisdelay = 20; // Standard delay value.

//DOTS uint8_t count = 0; // Count up to 255 and then reverts to 0 uint8_t fadeval = 224; // Trail behind the LED's. Lower => faster fade. uint8_t bpm = 30;

//LIGHTNING uint8_t frequency = 50; // controls the interval between strikes uint8_t flashes = 8; //the upper limit of flashes per strike unsigned int dimmer = 1; uint8_t ledstart; // Starting location of a flash uint8_t ledlen; int lightningcounter = 0;

//FUNKBOX int idex = 0; //-LED INDEX (0 to NUM_LEDS-1 int TOP_INDEX = int(NUM_LEDS / 2); int thissat = 255; //-FX LOOPS DELAY VAR

//////////////////add thishue for Police All custom effects here///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////use hsv Hue number for one color, for second color change "thishue + __" in the setEffect section//////

uint8_t thishuepolice = 0; uint8_t thishuehail = 183; uint8_t thishueLovey = 0;

int antipodal_index(int i) { int iN = i + TOP_INDEX; if (i >= TOP_INDEX) { iN = ( i + TOP_INDEX ) % NUM_LEDS; } return iN; }


define COOLING 55

define SPARKING 120

bool gReverseDirection = false;

//BPM uint8_t gHue = 0;

//CHRISTMAS int toggle = 0;

//RANDOM STARS const int NUM_STARS = NUM_LEDS/10; static int stars[NUM_STARS];

//SINE HUE int hue_index = 0; int led_index = 0;

WiFiClient espClient; PubSubClient client(espClient); struct CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS];

/** START SETUP*****/ void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); FastLED.addLeds<CHIPSET, DATA_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

setupStripedPalette( CRGB::Red, CRGB::Red, CRGB::White, CRGB::White); //for CANDY CANE setupThxPalette( CRGB::OrangeRed, CRGB::Olive, CRGB::Maroon, CRGB::Maroon); //for Thanksgiving setupHailPalette( CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Blue, CRGB::White, CRGB::White); //for HAIL setupHalloweenPalette( CRGB::DarkOrange, CRGB::DarkOrange, CRGB::Indigo, CRGB::Indigo); //for Halloween setupHJPalette( CRGB::Red, CRGB::Red, CRGB::Green, CRGB::Green); //for Holly Jolly setupIndPalette( CRGB::FireBrick, CRGB::Cornsilk, CRGB::MediumBlue, CRGB::MediumBlue); //for Independence

gPal = HeatColors_p; //for FIRE

setup_wifi(); client.setServer(mqtt_server, mqtt_port); client.setCallback(callback);

//OTA SETUP ArduinoOTA.setPort(OTAport); // Hostname defaults to esp8266-[ChipID] ArduinoOTA.setHostname(SENSORNAME);

// No authentication by default ArduinoOTA.setPassword((const char *)OTApassword);

ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() { Serial.println("Starting"); }); ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() { Serial.println("\nEnd"); }); ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) { Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100))); }); ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) { Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error); if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) Serial.println("Auth Failed"); else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) Serial.println("Begin Failed"); else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) Serial.println("Connect Failed"); else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) Serial.println("Receive Failed"); else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) Serial.println("End Failed"); }); ArduinoOTA.begin();

Serial.println("Ready"); }

/** START SETUP WIFI*****/ void setup_wifi() {

delay(10); // We start by connecting to a WiFi network Serial.println(); Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.println(ssid);

WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); }

Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); }

/ SAMPLE PAYLOAD: { "brightness": 120, "color": { "r": 255, "g": 100, "b": 100 }, "flash": 2, "transition": 5, "state": "ON" } /

/** START CALLBACK*****/ void callback(char topic, byte payload, unsigned int length) { Serial.print("Message arrived ["); Serial.print(topic); Serial.print("] ");

char message[length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { message[i] = (char)payload[i]; } message[length] = '\0'; Serial.println(message);

if (!processJson(message)) { return; }

if (stateOn) {

realRed = map(red, 0, 255, 0, brightness);
realGreen = map(green, 0, 255, 0, brightness);
realBlue = map(blue, 0, 255, 0, brightness);

} else {

realRed = 0;
realGreen = 0;
realBlue = 0;



startFade = true; inFade = false; // Kill the current fade

sendState(); }

/** START PROCESS JSON*****/ bool processJson(char* message) { StaticJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;

JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(message);

if (!root.success()) { Serial.println("parseObject() failed"); return false; }

if (root.containsKey("state")) { if (strcmp(root["state"], on_cmd) == 0) { stateOn = true; } else if (strcmp(root["state"], off_cmd) == 0) { stateOn = false; onbeforeflash = false; } }

// If "flash" is included, treat RGB and brightness differently if (root.containsKey("flash")) { flashLength = (int)root["flash"] * 1000;

oldeffectString = effectString;

if (root.containsKey("brightness")) {
  flashBrightness = root["brightness"];
else {
  flashBrightness = brightness;

if (root.containsKey("color")) {
  flashRed = root["color"]["r"];
  flashGreen = root["color"]["g"];
  flashBlue = root["color"]["b"];
else {
  flashRed = red;
  flashGreen = green;
  flashBlue = blue;

if (root.containsKey("effect")) {
  effect = root["effect"];
  effectString = effect;
  twinklecounter = 0; //manage twinklecounter

if (root.containsKey("white_value")) {
  transitionTime = map(root["white_value"], 0, 255, 1, 150);
else if ( effectString == "solid") {
  transitionTime = 0;

flashRed = map(flashRed, 0, 255, 0, flashBrightness);
flashGreen = map(flashGreen, 0, 255, 0, flashBrightness);
flashBlue = map(flashBlue, 0, 255, 0, flashBrightness);

flash = true;
startFlash = true;

} else { // Not flashing flash = false;

if (stateOn) {   //if the light is turned on and the light isn't flashing
  onbeforeflash = true;

if (root.containsKey("color")) {
  red = root["color"]["r"];
  green = root["color"]["g"];
  blue = root["color"]["b"];

if (root.containsKey("color_temp")) {
  //temp comes in as mireds, need to convert to kelvin then to RGB
  int color_temp = root["color_temp"];
  unsigned int kelvin  = 1000000 / color_temp; //1000000 / color_temp;



if (root.containsKey("brightness")) {
  brightness = root["brightness"];

if (root.containsKey("effect")) {
  effect = root["effect"];
  effectString = effect;
  twinklecounter = 0; //manage twinklecounter

if (root.containsKey("white_value")) {
  transitionTime = map(root["white_value"], 0, 255, 1, 150);
else if ( effectString == "solid") {
  transitionTime = 0;


return true; }

/** START SEND STATE*****/ void sendState() { StaticJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;

JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject();

root["state"] = (stateOn) ? on_cmd : off_cmd; JsonObject& color = root.createNestedObject("color"); color["r"] = red; color["g"] = green; color["b"] = blue;

root["brightness"] = brightness; root["effect"] = effectString.c_str(); root["white_value"] = map(transitionTime, 1,150, 0, 255);

char buffer[root.measureLength() + 1]; root.printTo(buffer, sizeof(buffer));

client.publish(light_state_topic, buffer, true); }

/** START RECONNECT*****/ void reconnect() { // Loop until we're reconnected while (!client.connected()) { Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection..."); // Attempt to connect if (client.connect(SENSORNAME, mqtt_username, mqtt_password, LWT_topic, 0, 1, "offline")) { Serial.println("connected"); client.subscribe(light_set_topic); client.subscribe(light_set_topic_group); client.publish(LWT_topic, "online", true); setColor(0, 0, 0); sendState(); } else { Serial.print("failed, rc="); Serial.print(client.state()); Serial.println(" try again in 5 seconds"); // Wait 5 seconds before retrying delay(5000); } } }

/** START Set Color*****/ void setColor(int inR, int inG, int inB) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { leds[i].red = inR; leds[i].green = inG; leds[i].blue = inB; };

Serial.println("Setting LEDs:"); Serial.print("r: "); Serial.print(inR); Serial.print(", g: "); Serial.print(inG); Serial.print(", b: "); Serial.println(inB); }

/** START MAIN LOOP*****/ void loop() {

if (!client.connected()) { reconnect(); }

if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(1); Serial.print("WIFI Disconnected. Attempting reconnection."); setup_wifi(); return; }



//////Music Visualizer////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////

// Left to Right if(effectString == "Music - L2R") { visualize_music(1); } // Middle Out if(effectString == "Music - Middle") { visualize_music(2); } // Custom for Fma965 if(effectString == "Music - Fma965") { visualize_music(3); } // Out to Middle if(effectString == "Music - LR2M") { visualize_music(4); }

//////DrZzs custom effects////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////

if (effectString == "Christmas") { // colored stripes pulsing in Shades of GREEN and RED uint8_t BeatsPerMinute = 62; CRGBPalette16 palette = bhw2_xmas_gp; uint8_t beat = beatsin8( BeatsPerMinute, 64, 255); for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { //9948 leds[i] = ColorFromPalette(palette, gHue+(i2), beat-gHue+(i10)); } if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds();

if (effectString == "St Patty") { // colored stripes pulsing in Shades of GREEN uint8_t BeatsPerMinute = 62; CRGBPalette16 palette = bhw2_greenman_gp; uint8_t beat = beatsin8( BeatsPerMinute, 64, 255); for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { //9948 leds[i] = ColorFromPalette(palette, gHue+(i2), beat-gHue+(i10)); } if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds();

if (effectString == "Valentine") { // colored stripes pulsing in Shades of PINK and RED uint8_t BeatsPerMinute = 62; CRGBPalette16 palette = bhw2_redrosey_gp; uint8_t beat = beatsin8( BeatsPerMinute, 64, 255); for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { //9948 leds[i] = ColorFromPalette(palette, gHue+(i2), beat-gHue+(i10)); } if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds();

if (effectString == "Turkey Day") { // colored stripes pulsing in Shades of Brown and ORANGE uint8_t BeatsPerMinute = 62; CRGBPalette16 palette = bhw2_thanks_gp; uint8_t beat = beatsin8( BeatsPerMinute, 64, 255); for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { //9948 leds[i] = ColorFromPalette(palette, gHue+(i2), beat-gHue+(i10)); } if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds();

if (effectString == "Thanksgiving") { // colored stripes pulsing in Shades of Red and ORANGE and Green static uint8_t startIndex = 0; startIndex = startIndex + 1; / higher = faster motion /

fill_palette( leds, NUM_LEDS,
              startIndex, 16, /* higher = narrower stripes */
              ThxPalettestriped, 255, LINEARBLEND);
if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) {
  transitionTime = 30;
delayMultiplier = 1;


if (effectString == "USA") { // colored stripes pulsing in Shades of Red White & Blue uint8_t BeatsPerMinute = 62; CRGBPalette16 palette = bhw3_41_gp; uint8_t beat = beatsin8( BeatsPerMinute, 64, 255); for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { //9948 leds[i] = ColorFromPalette(palette, gHue+(i2), beat-gHue+(i10)); } if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds();

if (effectString == "Independence") { // colored stripes of Red White & Blue static uint8_t startIndex = 0; startIndex = startIndex + 1; / higher = faster motion /

fill_palette( leds, NUM_LEDS,
              startIndex, 16, /* higher = narrower stripes */
              IndPalettestriped, 255, LINEARBLEND);
if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) {
  transitionTime = 30;
delayMultiplier = 1;


if (effectString == "Halloween") { // colored stripes pulsing in Shades of Purple and Orange uint8_t BeatsPerMinute = 62; CRGBPalette16 palette = Orange_to_Purple_gp; uint8_t beat = beatsin8( BeatsPerMinute, 64, 255); for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { //9948 leds[i] = ColorFromPalette(palette, gHue+(i2), beat-gHue+(i10)); } if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds();

if (effectString == "Go Lions") { // colored stripes pulsing in Shades of Maize and Blue & White (FTFY DrZZZ :-P) uint8_t BeatsPerMinute = 62; CRGBPalette16 palette = PSU_gp; uint8_t beat = beatsin8( BeatsPerMinute, 64, 255); for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { //9948 leds[i] = ColorFromPalette(palette, gHue+(i2), beat-gHue+(i10)); } if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds();

if (effectString == "Hail") { static uint8_t startIndex = 0; startIndex = startIndex + 1; / higher = faster motion /

fill_palette( leds, NUM_LEDS,
              startIndex, 16, /* higher = narrower stripes */
              hailPalettestriped, 255, LINEARBLEND);
if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) {
  transitionTime = 30;
delayMultiplier = 1;


if (effectString == "Touchdown") { //Maize and Blue & White with POLICE ALL animation idex++; if (idex >= NUM_LEDS) { idex = 0; } int idexY = idex; int idexB = antipodal_index(idexY); int thathue = ( thishuehail + 64) % 255; leds[idexY] = CRGB::Blue; //CHSV(thishuehail, thissat, 255); leds[idexB] = CRGB::White; //CHSV(thathue, thissat, 255); if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds();

if (effectString == "Punkin") { static uint8_t startIndex = 0; startIndex = startIndex + 1; / higher = faster motion /

fill_palette( leds, NUM_LEDS,
              startIndex, 16, /* higher = narrower stripes */
              HalloweenPalettestriped, 255, LINEARBLEND);
if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) {
  transitionTime = 30;
delayMultiplier = 1;


if (effectString == "Lovey Day") {                 //Valentine's Day colors (TWO COLOR SOLID)
if (idex >= NUM_LEDS) {
  idex = 0;
int idexR = idex;
int idexB = antipodal_index(idexR);
int thathue = (thishueLovey + 244) % 255;
leds[idexR] = CHSV(thishueLovey, thissat, 255);
leds[idexB] = CHSV(thathue, thissat, 255);
if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) {
  transitionTime = 30;
delayMultiplier = 1;


if (effectString == "Holly Jolly") { static uint8_t startIndex = 0; startIndex = startIndex + 1; / higher = faster motion /

fill_palette( leds, NUM_LEDS,
              startIndex, 16, /* higher = narrower stripes */
              HJPalettestriped, 255, LINEARBLEND);
if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) {
  transitionTime = 30;
delayMultiplier = 1;


/////////////////End DrZzs effects///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////

////////Place your custom effects below////////////

/////////////end custom effects////////////////

/////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////fastLED & Bruh effects/////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////

//EFFECT BPM if (effectString == "bpm") { uint8_t BeatsPerMinute = 62; CRGBPalette16 palette = PartyColors_p; uint8_t beat = beatsin8( BeatsPerMinute, 64, 255); for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { //9948 leds[i] = ColorFromPalette(palette, gHue + (i 2), beat - gHue + (i 10)); } if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); }

//EFFECT Candy Cane if (effectString == "candy cane") { static uint8_t startIndex = 0; startIndex = startIndex + 1; / higher = faster motion / fill_palette( leds, NUM_LEDS, startIndex, 16, / higher = narrower stripes / currentPalettestriped, 255, LINEARBLEND); if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 0; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); }

//EFFECT CONFETTI if (effectString == "confetti" ) { fadeToBlackBy( leds, NUM_LEDS, 25); int pos = random16(NUM_LEDS); leds[pos] += CRGB(realRed + random8(64), realGreen, realBlue); if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); }

//EFFECT CYCLON RAINBOW if (effectString == "cyclon rainbow") { //Single Dot Down static uint8_t hue = 0; // First slide the led in one direction for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { // Set the i'th led to red leds[i] = CHSV(hue++, 255, 255); // Show the leds delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); // now that we've shown the leds, reset the i'th led to black // leds[i] = CRGB::Black; fadeall(); // Wait a little bit before we loop around and do it again delay(10); } for (int i = (NUM_LEDS) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Set the i'th led to red leds[i] = CHSV(hue++, 255, 255); // Show the leds delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); // now that we've shown the leds, reset the i'th led to black // leds[i] = CRGB::Black; fadeall(); // Wait a little bit before we loop around and do it again delay(10); } }

//EFFECT DOTS if (effectString == "dots") { uint8_t inner = beatsin8(bpm, NUM_LEDS / 4, NUM_LEDS / 4 3); uint8_t outer = beatsin8(bpm, 0, NUM_LEDS - 1); uint8_t middle = beatsin8(bpm, NUM_LEDS / 3, NUM_LEDS / 3 2); leds[middle] = CRGB::Purple; leds[inner] = CRGB::Blue; leds[outer] = CRGB::Aqua; nscale8(leds, NUM_LEDS, fadeval);

if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) {
  transitionTime = 30;
delayMultiplier = 1;


//EFFECT FIRE if (effectString == "fire") { Fire2012WithPalette(); if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 150; } delayMultiplier = 2; showleds(); }

random16_add_entropy( random8());

//EFFECT Glitter if (effectString == "glitter") { fadeToBlackBy( leds, NUM_LEDS, 20); addGlitterColor(80, realRed, realGreen, realBlue); if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); }

//EFFECT JUGGLE if (effectString == "juggle" ) { // eight colored dots, weaving in and out of sync with each other fadeToBlackBy(leds, NUM_LEDS, 20); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { leds[beatsin16(i + 7, 0, NUM_LEDS - 1 )] |= CRGB(realRed, realGreen, realBlue); } if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 130; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); }

//EFFECT LIGHTNING if (effectString == "lightning") { twinklecounter = twinklecounter + 1; //Resets strip if previous animation was running if (twinklecounter < 2) { FastLED.clear();; } ledstart = random16(NUM_LEDS); // Determine starting location of flash ledlen = random16(NUM_LEDS - ledstart); // Determine length of flash (not to go beyond NUM_LEDS-1) for (int flashCounter = 0; flashCounter < random8(3, flashes); flashCounter++) { if (flashCounter == 0) dimmer = 5; // the brightness of the leader is scaled down by a factor of 5 else dimmer = random8(1, 3); // return strokes are brighter than the leader fill_solid(leds + ledstart, ledlen, CHSV(255, 0, 255 / dimmer)); showleds(); // Show a section of LED's delay(random8(4, 10)); // each flash only lasts 4-10 milliseconds fill_solid(leds + ledstart, ledlen, CHSV(255, 0, 0)); // Clear the section of LED's showleds(); if (flashCounter == 0) delay (130); // longer delay until next flash after the leader delay(50 + random8(100)); // shorter delay between strokes } delay(random8(frequency) * 100); // delay between strikes if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 0; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); }

//EFFECT POLICE ALL if (effectString == "police all") { //POLICE LIGHTS (TWO COLOR SOLID) idex++; if (idex >= NUM_LEDS) { idex = 0; } int idexR = idex; int idexB = antipodal_index(idexR); int thathue = (thishuepolice + 160) % 255; leds[idexR] = CHSV(thishuepolice, thissat, 255); leds[idexB] = CHSV(thathue, thissat, 255); if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); }

//EFFECT POLICE ONE if (effectString == "police one") { idex++; if (idex >= NUM_LEDS) { idex = 0; } int idexR = idex; int idexB = antipodal_index(idexR); int thathue = (thishuepolice + 160) % 255; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++ ) { if (i == idexR) { leds[i] = CHSV(thishuepolice, thissat, 255); } else if (i == idexB) { leds[i] = CHSV(thathue, thissat, 255); } else { leds[i] = CHSV(0, 0, 0); } } if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); }

//EFFECT RAINBOW if (effectString == "rainbow") { // FastLED's built-in rainbow generator static uint8_t starthue = 0; thishue++; fill_rainbow(leds, NUM_LEDS, thishue, deltahue); if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 130; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); }

//EFFECT RAINBOW WITH GLITTER if (effectString == "rainbow with glitter") { // FastLED's built-in rainbow generator with Glitter static uint8_t starthue = 0; thishue++; fill_rainbow(leds, NUM_LEDS, thishue, deltahue); addGlitter(80); if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 130; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); }

//EFFECT SINELON if (effectString == "sinelon") { fadeToBlackBy( leds, NUM_LEDS, 20); int pos = beatsin16(13, 0, NUM_LEDS - 1); leds[pos] += CRGB(realRed, realGreen, realBlue); if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 150; } delayMultiplier = 1; showleds(); }

//EFFECT TWINKLE if (effectString == "twinkle") { twinklecounter = twinklecounter + 1; if (twinklecounter < 2) { //Resets strip if previous animation was running FastLED.clear();; } const CRGB lightcolor(8, 7, 1); for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { if ( !leds[i]) continue; // skip black pixels if ( leds[i].r & 1) { // is red odd? leds[i] -= lightcolor; // darken if red is odd } else { leds[i] += lightcolor; // brighten if red is even } } if ( random8() < DENSITY) { int j = random16(NUM_LEDS); if ( !leds[j] ) leds[j] = lightcolor; }

if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) {
  transitionTime = 0;
delayMultiplier = 1;


//EFFECT CHRISTMAS ALTERNATE if (effectString == "christmas alternate") { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { if ((toggle + i) % 2 == 0) { leds[i] = CRGB::Crimson; } else { leds[i] = CRGB::DarkGreen; } } toggle=(toggle + 1) % 2; if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 130; } delayMultiplier = 30; showleds();
fadeall(); //delay(200); }

//EFFECT RANDOM STARS if (effectString == "random stars") { fadeUsingColor( leds, NUM_LEDS, CRGB::Blue); int pos = random16(NUM_LEDS); leds[pos] += CRGB(realRed + random8(64), realGreen, realBlue); addGlitter(80); if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) { transitionTime = 30; } delayMultiplier = 6; //delay(60); showleds();


//EFFECT "Sine Hue" if (effectString == "sine hue") { static uint8_t hue_index = 0; static uint8_t led_index = 0; if (led_index >= NUM_LEDS) { //Start off at 0 if the led_index was incremented past the segment size in some other effect led_index = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i = i + 1) { leds[i] = CHSV(hue_index, 255, 255 - int(abs(sin(float(i + led_index) / NUM_LEDS 2 3.14159) * 255))); }


 if (hue_index >= 255) {
    hue_index = 0;
  delayMultiplier = 2;


//EFFECT "Full Hue" if (effectString == "full hue") { static uint8_t hue_index = 0; fill_solid(leds, NUM_LEDS, CHSV(hue_index, 255, 255)); hue_index++;

 if (hue_index >= 255) {
    hue_index = 0;
  delayMultiplier = 2;


//EFFECT "Breathe" if (effectString == "breathe") { static bool toggle; static uint8_t brightness_index = 0; fill_solid(leds, NUM_LEDS,CHSV(thishue,255,brightness_index)); if (brightness_index >= 255) { toggle=0;
} else if (brightness_index <= 0) { toggle=1; }

  if (toggle)

  delayMultiplier = 2;


//EFFECT "Hue Breathe" if (effectString == "hue breathe") { static uint8_t hue_index = 0; static bool toggle = 1; static uint8_t brightness_index = 0; fill_solid(leds, NUM_LEDS, CHSV(hue_index, 255, brightness_index)); if (brightness_index >= 255) { toggle=0; hue_index=hue_index+10; } else if (brightness_index <= 0) { toggle=1; hue_index=hue_index+10; }

  if (toggle)

  if (hue_index >= 255) {
    hue_index = 0;

  delayMultiplier = 2;


EVERY_N_MILLISECONDS(10) { nblendPaletteTowardPalette(currentPalette, targetPalette, maxChanges); // FOR NOISE ANIMATIon { gHue++; }

if (effectString == "noise") {
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {                                     // Just onE loop to fill up the LED array as all of the pixels change.
    uint8_t index = inoise8(i * scale, dist + i * scale) % 255;            // Get a value from the noise function. I'm using both x and y axis.
    leds[i] = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, index, 255, LINEARBLEND);   // With that value, look up the 8 bit colour palette value and assign it to the current LED.
  dist += beatsin8(10, 1, 4);                                              // Moving along the distance (that random number we started out with). Vary it a bit with a sine wave.
  // In some sketches, I've used millis() instead of an incremented counter. Works a treat.
  if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) {
    transitionTime = 0;
  delayMultiplier = 1;

if (effectString == "ripple") {
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) leds[i] = CHSV(bgcol++, 255, 15);  // Rotate background colour.
  switch (step) {
    case -1:                                                          // Initialize ripple variables.
      center = random(NUM_LEDS);
      colour = random8();
      step = 0;
    case 0:
      leds[center] = CHSV(colour, 255, 255);                          // Display the first pixel of the ripple.
      step ++;
    case maxsteps:                                                    // At the end of the ripples.
      step = -1;
    default:                                                             // Middle of the ripples.
      leds[(center + step + NUM_LEDS) % NUM_LEDS] += CHSV(colour, 255, myfade / step * 2);   // Simple wrap from Marc Miller
      leds[(center - step + NUM_LEDS) % NUM_LEDS] += CHSV(colour, 255, myfade / step * 2);
      step ++;                                                         // Next step.
  if (transitionTime == 0 or transitionTime == NULL) {
    transitionTime = 30;
  delayMultiplier = 1;


EVERY_N_SECONDS(5) { targetPalette = CRGBPalette16(CHSV(random8(), 255, random8(128, 255)), CHSV(random8(), 255, random8(128, 255)), CHSV(random8(), 192, random8(128, 255)), CHSV(random8(), 255, random8(128, 255))); }

//FLASH AND FADE SUPPORT if (flash) { if (startFlash) { startFlash = false; flashStartTime = millis(); }

if ((millis() - flashStartTime) <= flashLength) {
  if ((millis() - flashStartTime) % 1000 <= 500) {
    setColor(flashRed, flashGreen, flashBlue);
  else {
    setColor(0, 0, 0);
    // If you'd prefer the flashing to happen "on top of"
    // the current color, uncomment the next line.
    // setColor(realRed, realGreen, realBlue);
else {
  flash = false;
  effectString = oldeffectString;
  if (onbeforeflash) { //keeps light off after flash if light was originally off
    setColor(realRed, realGreen, realBlue);
  else {
    stateOn = false;
    setColor(0, 0, 0);


if (startFade && effectString == "solid") { // If we don't want to fade, skip it. if (transitionTime == 0) { setColor(realRed, realGreen, realBlue);

  redVal = realRed;
  grnVal = realGreen;
  bluVal = realBlue;

  startFade = false;
else {
  loopCount = 0;
  stepR = calculateStep(redVal, realRed);
  stepG = calculateStep(grnVal, realGreen);
  stepB = calculateStep(bluVal, realBlue);

  inFade = true;


if (inFade) { startFade = false; unsigned long now = millis(); if (now - lastLoop > transitionTime) { if (loopCount <= 1020) { lastLoop = now;

    redVal = calculateVal(stepR, redVal, loopCount);
    grnVal = calculateVal(stepG, grnVal, loopCount);
    bluVal = calculateVal(stepB, bluVal, loopCount);

    if (effectString == "solid") {
      setColor(redVal, grnVal, bluVal); // Write current values to LED pins
  else {
    inFade = false;

} }

/**** START TRANSITION FADER *****/ // From / BELOW THIS LINE IS THE MATH -- YOU SHOULDN'T NEED TO CHANGE THIS FOR THE BASICS The program works like this: Imagine a crossfade that moves the red LED from 0-10, the green from 0-5, and the blue from 10 to 7, in ten steps. We'd want to count the 10 steps and increase or decrease color values in evenly stepped increments. Imagine a + indicates raising a value by 1, and a - equals lowering it. Our 10 step fade would look like: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R + + + + + + + + + + G + + + + + B - - - The red rises from 0 to 10 in ten steps, the green from 0-5 in 5 steps, and the blue falls from 10 to 7 in three steps. In the real program, the color percentages are converted to 0-255 values, and there are 1020 steps (2554). To figure out how big a step there should be between one up- or down-tick of one of the LED values, we call calculateStep(), which calculates the absolute gap between the start and end values, and then divides that gap by 1020 to determine the size of the step between adjustments in the value. */ int calculateStep(int prevValue, int endValue) { int step = endValue - prevValue; // What's the overall gap? if (step) { // If its non-zero, step = 1020 / step; // divide by 1020 }

return step; } / The next function is calculateVal. When the loop value, i, reaches the step size appropriate for one of the colors, it increases or decreases the value of that color by 1. (R, G, and B are each calculated separately.) / int calculateVal(int step, int val, int i) { if ((step) && i % step == 0) { // If step is non-zero and its time to change a value, if (step > 0) { // increment the value if step is positive... val += 1; } else if (step < 0) { // ...or decrement it if step is negative val -= 1; } }

// Defensive driving: make sure val stays in the range 0-255 if (val > 255) { val = 255; } else if (val < 0) { val = 0; }

return val; }

////////////////////////place setupPalette and Palettestriped custom functions here - for Candy Cane effects ///////////////// ///////You can use up to 4 colors and change the pattern of A's AB's B's and BA's as you like//////////////

/**** START STRIPLED PALETTE *****/ void setupStripedPalette( CRGB A, CRGB AB, CRGB B, CRGB BA) { currentPalettestriped = CRGBPalette16( A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B // A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B ); }

void setupHailPalette( CRGB A, CRGB AB, CRGB B, CRGB BA) { hailPalettestriped = CRGBPalette16( A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B ); }

void setupHJPalette( CRGB A, CRGB AB, CRGB B, CRGB BA) { HJPalettestriped = CRGBPalette16( A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B ); }

void setupIndPalette( CRGB A, CRGB AB, CRGB B, CRGB BA) { IndPalettestriped = CRGBPalette16( A, A, A, A, A, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, B, B, B, B, B, B ); }

void setupThxPalette( CRGB A, CRGB AB, CRGB B, CRGB BA) { ThxPalettestriped = CRGBPalette16( A, A, A, A, A, A, A, AB, AB, AB, B, B, B, B, B, B ); }

void setupHalloweenPalette( CRGB A, CRGB AB, CRGB B, CRGB BA) { HalloweenPalettestriped = CRGBPalette16( A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B ); }


/** START FADE****/ void fadeall() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { leds[i].nscale8(250); //for CYCLon } }

/** START FIRE **/ void Fire2012WithPalette() { // Array of temperature readings at each simulation cell static byte heat[NUM_LEDS];

// Step 1. Cool down every cell a little for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { heat[i] = qsub8( heat[i], random8(0, ((COOLING * 10) / NUM_LEDS) + 2)); }

// Step 2. Heat from each cell drifts 'up' and diffuses a little for ( int k = NUM_LEDS - 1; k >= 2; k--) { heat[k] = (heat[k - 1] + heat[k - 2] + heat[k - 2] ) / 3; }

// Step 3. Randomly ignite new 'sparks' of heat near the bottom if ( random8() < SPARKING ) { int y = random8(7); heat[y] = qadd8( heat[y], random8(160, 255) ); }

// Step 4. Map from heat cells to LED colors for ( int j = 0; j < NUM_LEDS; j++) { // Scale the heat value from 0-255 down to 0-240 // for best results with color palettes. byte colorindex = scale8( heat[j], 240); CRGB color = ColorFromPalette( gPal, colorindex); int pixelnumber; if ( gReverseDirection ) { pixelnumber = (NUM_LEDS - 1) - j; } else { pixelnumber = j; } leds[pixelnumber] = color; } }

/** START ADD GLITTER *****/ void addGlitter( fract8 chanceOfGlitter) { if ( random8() < chanceOfGlitter) { leds[ random16(NUM_LEDS) ] += CRGB::White; } }

/** START ADD GLITTER COLOR ****/ void addGlitterColor( fract8 chanceOfGlitter, int red, int green, int blue) { if ( random8() < chanceOfGlitter) { leds[ random16(NUM_LEDS) ] += CRGB(red, green, blue); } }

/** START SHOW LEDS ***/ void showleds() {


if (stateOn) { FastLED.setBrightness(brightness); //EXECUTE EFFECT COLOR; if (transitionTime > 0 && transitionTime < 250) { //Sets animation speed based on receieved value FastLED.delay(transitionTime / 10 delayMultiplier); //1000 / transitionTime); //delay(10transitionTime); } } else if (startFade) { setColor(0, 0, 0); startFade = false; } } void temp2rgb(unsigned int kelvin) { int tmp_internal = kelvin / 100.0;

// red 
if (tmp_internal <= 66) {
    red = 255;
} else {
    float tmp_red = 329.698727446 * pow(tmp_internal - 60, -0.1332047592);
    if (tmp_red < 0) {
        red = 0;
    } else if (tmp_red > 255) {
        red = 255;
    } else {
        red = tmp_red;

// green
if (tmp_internal <=66){
    float tmp_green = 99.4708025861 * log(tmp_internal) - 161.1195681661;
    if (tmp_green < 0) {
        green = 0;
    } else if (tmp_green > 255) {
        green = 255;
    } else {
        green = tmp_green;
} else {
    float tmp_green = 288.1221695283 * pow(tmp_internal - 60, -0.0755148492);
    if (tmp_green < 0) {
        green = 0;
    } else if (tmp_green > 255) {
        green = 255;
    } else {
        green = tmp_green;

// blue
if (tmp_internal >=66) {
    blue = 255;
} else if (tmp_internal <= 19) {
    blue = 0;
} else {
    float tmp_blue = 138.5177312231 * log(tmp_internal - 10) - 305.0447927307;
    if (tmp_blue < 0) {
        blue = 0;
    } else if (tmp_blue > 255) {
        blue = 255;
    } else {
        blue = tmp_blue;


/**** MUSIC VISUALIZER **/ // // Modified by Fma965

CRGB Scroll(int pos) { CRGB color (0,0,0); if(pos < 85) { color.g = 0; color.r = ((float)pos / 85.0f) 255.0f; color.b = 255 - color.r; } else if(pos < 170) { color.g = ((float)(pos - 85) / 85.0f) 255.0f; color.r = 255 - color.g; color.b = 0; } else if(pos < 256) { color.b = ((float)(pos - 170) / 85.0f) * 255.0f; color.g = 255 - color.b; color.r = 1; } return color; }

void visualize_music(int LEDDirection) { //int audio_input = analogRead(audio) MUSIC_SENSITIVITY; int audio_input = analogRead(audio) map(transitionTime, 1, 150, 2, 7); if (audio_input > 0) { if(LEDDirection == 1) { pre_react = ((long)NUM_LEDS (long)audio_input) / 1023L; // TRANSLATE AUDIO LEVEL TO NUMBER OF LEDs } else if(LEDDirection == 2 || LEDDirection == 4) { pre_react = ((long)NUM_LEDS/2 (long)audio_input) / 1023L; // TRANSLATE AUDIO LEVEL TO NUMBER OF LEDs } else if(LEDDirection == 3) { pre_react = ((long)NUM_LEDS/4 * (long)audio_input) / 1023L; // TRANSLATE AUDIO LEVEL TO NUMBER OF LEDs }

  react = pre_react;

} if(LEDDirection == 1) { RainbowL2R(); // Left to Right } else if(LEDDirection == 2) { RainbowMiddleOut(); //Middle Out } else if(LEDDirection == 3) { RainbowFma965(); //Custom setup for Fma965 } else if(LEDDirection == 4) { RainbowOutMiddle(); //Out to Middle }

k = k - wheel_speed; // SPEED OF COLOR WHEEL if (k < 0) // RESET COLOR WHEEL k = 255;

// REMOVE LEDs decay_check++; if (decay_check > decay) { decay_check = 0; if (react > 0) react--; } if (transitionTime <= 50) { delay(25); } else { delay(transitionTime / 2); } }

// void RainbowL2R() { for(int i = NUM_LEDS - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i < react) leds[i] = Scroll((i * 256 / 50 + k) % 256); else leds[i] = CRGB(0, 0, 0);
}; }

void RainbowMiddleOut() { for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS/2; i++) { if (i < react) { leds[NUM_LEDS/2+i] = Scroll((i 256 / NUM_LEDS + k) % 256); leds[NUM_LEDS/2-i-1] = Scroll((i 256 / NUM_LEDS + k) % 256); } else { leds[NUM_LEDS/2+i] = CRGB(0, 0, 0); leds[NUM_LEDS/2-i-1] = CRGB(0, 0, 0);
} }; }

void RainbowOutMiddle() { for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS/2+1; i++) { if (i < react) { leds[0+i] = Scroll((i 256 / NUM_LEDS + k) % 256);
leds[NUM_LEDS-i] = Scroll((i
256 / NUM_LEDS + k) % 256); } else { leds[0+i] = CRGB(0, 0, 0);
leds[NUM_LEDS-i] = CRGB(0, 0, 0); } }; }

void RainbowFma965() { for(int i = 0; i < 21; i++) { if (i < react) { leds[42-i-1] = Scroll((i 256 / NUM_LEDS + k) % 256);
leds[42+i] = Scroll((i
256 / NUM_LEDS + k) % 256); } else { leds[42-i-1] = CRGB(0, 0, 0);
leds[42+i] = CRGB(0, 0, 0); } } for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (i < react) { leds[10+i] = Scroll((i 256 / NUM_LEDS + k) % 256); leds[10-i-1] = Scroll((i 256 / NUM_LEDS + k) % 256); } else { leds[10+i] = CRGB(0, 0, 0); leds[10-i-1] = CRGB(0, 0, 0); } }; }

Fma965 commented 5 years ago

No sorry, Your issue is not with my code or my YAML the issue is with something else in your setup, i'm not spending my time going through all of the above lines when you won't listen to what i'm saying.

Fma965 commented 5 years ago

If you are going to post your code atleast use code blocks or a pasting service such as github gist or pastebin.