CyanVoxel / Obsidian-Daily-Themes

A Series of Daily Theme CSS Snippets for Obsidian.
MIT License
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Changed font-family to "JetBrains Mono" to get template to work on Windows #1

Closed cgranier closed 3 months ago

cgranier commented 3 months ago

Not sure if this is a Windows issue, but when installing the JetBrains font it shows up as "JetBrains Mono" and not "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono" as in the css file.

Changing this to "JetBrains Mono" correctly displays the heading and fonts on the daily templates.

CyanVoxel commented 3 months ago

Hmm, I'm also on Windows and how it's written in the CSS is how it shows up on my system. Maybe it's a matter of where the font from sourced from? (JetBrains, Google Fonts, GitHub, etc.) Either way, I've added "JetBrains Mono" as an additional fallback font in commit 996413b451c7bbc62fdffac2320a108ca9537cbf, which should make it work regardless of which way the system reads the font. Let me know if this approach solves the issue for you!

cgranier commented 3 months ago

Thanks! I downloaded directly from the JetBrains page (via your link). Not sure why it reports it as just "JetBrains Mono".

Fix works, though. ;-)

CyanVoxel commented 3 months ago

Haha, weird but I'm glad it's all sorted out now!