CyanVoxel / Obsidian-Vault-Template

A Template for my Obsidian Vault.
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[FR] Possibility of integrating more VG themed notes? #7

Open lapidary-master opened 1 month ago

lapidary-master commented 1 month ago

I'd be more than happy to do all of the leg work, however, I don't exactly want to do all of the work for it for it to be seldomly used, if at all.

Reason why I'm opening this as an issue is I wanna be able to gauge what kinds of themes would be wanted, outside of Minecraft and OSRS.

Was thinking maybe some JRPGs (FF/DQ/CT/FE) to help with the gamification of note taking! Hecc, maybe some ARPGs too, if there is pull for something like that too.