CyanideX / InfernalSkies

A place where you can report issues with the modpack.
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Plants Not Growing #54

Open Nyxxaa opened 8 years ago

Nyxxaa commented 8 years ago

To be sure, I know it takes a while. I waited half an hour for the bamboo shoots to grow. I then tried restarting and playing the path of good and the tree wouldn't grow. My partner was able to get them growing by placing them in the exact spots that I had previously. With no other differences in our patterns regardless of team He could grow them and I could not.

CyanideX commented 8 years ago

Honestly, this pack is pretty much dead in the water so don't expect any fixes or updates any time soon. However, using the latest version I was able to get several plants and trees to grow using the provided light sources (glow plants and the fire in the nether).