CyanogenMod / android_external_whispersystems_WhisperPush

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Offer a way to unregister from Whisperpush #8

Open mhellwig opened 10 years ago

mhellwig commented 10 years ago

To ask this question here as well: How do I unregister from Whisperpush?

Specifically, I need to be certain that nobody elses phone gets told that my phone is reachable via Whisperpush. I tried it out, I don't like it, now I want to not use it. Since the whole thing is "transparent" this seems impossible, as somebody elses phone (if they use CM and are registered with Whisperpush) will be told that I am registered with it as well unless I can unregister.

Most of all since in another bug, it was mentioned that it's not recommended to have Textsecure AND Whisperpush on the same device (and I do want to use Textsecure .. I can explain why I prefer one over the other if needed).

Deccoy commented 10 years ago

+1. Need a way to unregister, have lots of problems with it!

lapseofreason commented 10 years ago

+1. There are also problems with TextSecure when this is enabled (see and

boennhoff commented 10 years ago

+1 Also need a way to unregister!

I consider implementing that myself: A simple button next to "re-register", maybe "unregister", that triggers the unregistration process! Is already anybody working on this?

Anybody a link to the needed protocol specification?

mhellwig commented 10 years ago

there is a solution described at . From what I can tell, this seems to work for me. At least I get the expected answer from the server. Not sure how to check whether I'm actually no longer registered.

boennhoff commented 10 years ago

I had some trouble because i fiddled around with both apps before, but finally I was able to unregister! Thank you mhellwig for pointing me into the right direction.

My steps to a successful unregister:

  1. Remove TextSecure (or wipe its data)
  2. Re-Register with CM WhisperPush
  3. Follow guide in comment without trailing slash in URL path [...gcm/]
  4. Install/start TextSecure again and try to register there!
master-sonic commented 10 years ago

Please provide means of unregistering without having to install CM first. I don't have any backups of the required whisperpush password and am back to stock.

tripflex commented 10 years ago

There's an APK you can use to do so, but will need to be ran on CM you registered with. Unfortunately i'm in the same boat and no longer using CM and can't unregister....yikes!

daveio commented 10 years ago

For those who need a fix for this and aren't on the phone they registered with, I've written a Ruby script to fake a registration and use that registration to unregister all devices associated with the number. You'll need to be able to receive a text message to the number you want to unregister, but for legitimate use that shouldn't be a problem.

ventdest commented 10 years ago

try this :

Fuzion24 commented 9 years ago

I am unable to register with TextSecure, even after unregistering with WhisperPush: I used @daveio tool: :

➜  whisperpush-unregister git:(master) ruby whisperpush_unregister.rb -m unregister -p +1XXXXXXXXXX --code YYYYYY
#<URI::HTTPS:0x007fb15513cfc8 URL:>
Unregistering gcm with 20 rounds....................done.
Unregistering apn with 20 rounds....................done.
You should now be unregistered from CyanogenMod's WhisperPush service.

"Registration Conflict" "This number is already registered on a different TextSecure server (Cyanogenmod?). You must unregister there before registering here."

Does anyone have any other ideas here? I do not have the phone that was originally running CM (I formatted and sold it). I only have control of the phone number that was registered with WhisperSystems.

foresto commented 9 years ago

@daveio, thanks for the script, but it doesn't work for me. After running it in getconfirm mode, I guess I'm supposed to receive an SMS containing a code, but it never shows up.

foresto commented 9 years ago

Did they really design this system in such a way that there's no way to unregister if you've changed phones or reinstalled Cyanogenmod? That's just... amazing.

cberzan commented 9 years ago

Another case where messages were not delivered because the user switched from CyanogenMod back to stock Android ( A way for non-technical users to unregister would be much appreciated. You could use something like what TextSecure already has (

oscarfroberg commented 9 years ago

@daveio, thanks a bunch, it worked! I think. It didn't work immediately so I also used which didn't work immediately either, but now a few hours later I managed to register for TextSecure. So don't know whether it was your script or CM's tool or both that worked, but thanks in any case. :)

devurandom commented 9 years ago

btw whispertool (#14): uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate expired on 21/09/14 09:41. The current time is 29/07/15 19:35. (Error code: sec_error_expired_certificate)
foresto commented 9 years ago

The validation code SMS still isn't showing up, regardless of whether I use or daveio's approach. I filed bug #16 for this problem.