Cyb3rWard0g / HELK

The Hunting ELK
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HELK: Question to attach a Packet-Beat #496

Closed PaulTheHelk closed 3 years ago

PaulTheHelk commented 3 years ago

Hello there, i am very new to docker and elk, just learning, so sory for the questions. i try to attach PacketBeat on a windows-box to the Helk (LinuxBox) Normally i use elastic as output for PacketBeat which is configured in the packetbeat.yml

When i do a packetbeat setup -e the error is The Remotehosts denies connection. I definded the ip for elastic and the port --> no success i defined username to elastic --> no success i dont know the password for the elasticsearch, it wasnt displayed during the installation. I believe its set to localhost only, which seems to be normal. i also tried to deliver to kafka, as it works for winlogbeat, but error message hier says index management is requested but elasticsearch output is disabled, which means for me i need elasticsearch as output not kafka.

How can i attach the packetbeat to leastic? Where can i see the elastic user / password? Where can i see the settings for elastic, i believe the elasticsearch.yml file ? I was not able to locate it.

thanks in advance

neu5ron commented 3 years ago

HELK supports all beat's input via logstash port 5044. see design here:

so all you should need to do is set logstash output in packbeat to the HELK IP via port 5044.

let me know if that helps

Cyb3rWard0g commented 3 years ago

Feel free to re-open this issue @PaulTheHelk . Port 5044 should do it.