Cyb3rWard0g / HELK

The Hunting ELK
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use helk with an external elk ? #515

Closed badroum closed 3 years ago

badroum commented 3 years ago

hello I would have liked to know if HELK could be easily plugged to an external ELK.

Cyb3rWard0g commented 3 years ago

Hey @badroum ! Can you provide more information to your question? Do you mean push events to an external ELK? Like HELK-KAFKA -> HELK-LOGSTASH -> EXTERNAL-LOGSTASH?

erezhazan1 commented 3 years ago

Hey! I'm not sure what exactly is the meaning of his question, but I got a similar one. Is it possible to push events from logstash to a different ELK setup? Meaning Winlogbeat --> kafka --> logstash --> add another output to a different ELK setup.

To be more specific:

output { lumberjack { hosts => xxxx port => 5006 ssl_certificate => "/usr/share/logstash/keys/TrustExternalCARoot.crt" codec => "json_lines" } }

the external ELK setup is a SAAS setup.

Cyb3rWard0g commented 3 years ago

Oh yeah for sure. That's possible. . Following this syntax

badroum commented 3 years ago

Hello, Sorry for the late response. The purpose of my question is twofold, as I already have an ELK cluster on other VMs, I would like to use them already present on it with HELK. Then, to know if HELK is compatible with open distro.