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CybOX Schemas and Schema Development
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Product Object Refactoring #400

Open ikiril01 opened 8 years ago

ikiril01 commented 8 years ago

Although the existing Product Object is intended to characterize software or hardware products, it has a few semantic inconsistencies in this regard:

Accordingly, it may make sense to relegate the Product Object to just characterizing software and the Device Object to just hardware. This would entail deprecating the Device_Details field and otherwise leaving the object the same.

athiasjerome commented 8 years ago

I concur with the observations. I am ok for Product-Software and Device-Hardware. Note that a Device is a Product (so could the Device Class/Object could inherit from Product)

To go further: Vendor and Manufacturer could (MUST imho) be "Asset" Objects. By that, I mean that Vendor and Manufacturer are Organization or Person (or group of). Use of something like NISTIR 7693 would be of great benefit... (e.g. A Product's Vendor could be a STIX Information_Source, or an OVAL Definition Producer, etc.)

Note for later: a Component Object will help to define relationships for both Products' Components (e.g.: files, libraries, DLLs, etc.) and Devices' Components (e.g.: motherboard, processor, chip, SIM card, etc.)

ikiril01 commented 8 years ago

@athiasjerome thanks for the feedback! I think Assets are something that is being covered by STIX, though there's obviously overlap here.

ikiril01 commented 8 years ago

Also, one suggested possibility for the refactoring of the Product Object into the new "Software Product" Object would be to use the SWID schema as a basis:

If we do take this approach, we'd have to determine which fields from SWID make sense in CybOX, and which do not.

Update: Some suggested fields from SWID