CybOXProject / schemas

CybOX Schemas and Schema Development
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Refactor/Deprecate Base DataTypes #416

Open ikiril01 opened 8 years ago

ikiril01 commented 8 years ago

Given that we'll likely be splitting out patterning and instances in Observables, we'll need to significantly refactor (or even deprecate) the existing DataTypes in CybOX Common, such as the StringObjectPropertyType. The biggest issue is that these types are oriented around patterning, which we'll no longer need to support in instances; this will also require making the corresponding changes to the CybOX Objects that use these types.

ikiril01 commented 8 years ago

More concretely, this change would involve the following:

Accordingly, this would result in instance content that looks like the following (a file in this example):

   "size": {"value": 23134},
   "file-system-properties" : {"file_name": {"value":"test.dll",