Hi there!
the libary was working well during development(locally) but after deployment only the exporter is working correctly....
the error occures when it try to get the collection
$excel = Importer::make('Excel');
$collection = $excel->getCollection(); <--- here
and from the server it is returning
Class 'XMLReader' not found
"exception": "Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError",
I am new to laravel and any suggestion will do, thanks in advance :)
Hi there! the libary was working well during development(locally) but after deployment only the exporter is working correctly.... the error occures when it try to get the collection ...... $excel = Importer::make('Excel'); $excel->load($path); $collection = $excel->getCollection(); <--- here
and from the server it is returning ..... Class 'XMLReader' not found "exception": "Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError",
I am new to laravel and any suggestion will do, thanks in advance :)