CyberCRI / Hero.Coli

Hero.Coli is a single-player 2D top-down adventure game.
MIT License
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Error on online webgl loading #469

Open raphik12 opened 7 years ago

raphik12 commented 7 years ago

Happens when the Unity content is done loading - end of the loading bar.

Related unity3d forum page:

Text of the error message: An error occured running the Unity content on this page. See your browser's JavaScript console for more info. The error was: uncaught exception: Assertion failed: s_GlobalMetadataHeader->sanity == 0xFAB11BAF, at: D:\Unity\Editor\Data\il2cpp\libil2cpp\vm\MetadataCache.cpp,154,Initialize at jsStackTrace@blob: stackTrace@blob: ___assert_fail@blob: cIo@blob: XLo@blob: kKo@blob: sSa@blob: sIb@blob: callMain@blob: doRun@blob: run/<@blob:

webgl-loading-fail webgl-loading-fail-js

raphik12 commented 6 years ago

Only solution found: create for each new build a new folder on the server and link to it through the target URL of the "play" button on the herocoli website.