CyberCRI / Hero.Coli

Hero.Coli is a single-player 2D top-down adventure game.
MIT License
6 stars 4 forks source link

Atlases and png images with transparent background #52

Closed raphik12 closed 10 years ago

raphik12 commented 10 years ago

There's a problem with BioBrick icons: they seem stretched when displayed. This seems to be due to the fact that, when they are stored into an atlas, only the smallest rectangle of the image which contains non-transparent pixels is added to the atlas. See Assets/Resources/Atlases/BioBricks. How to store images in atlases without cutting out the transparent margins? Or, how to restore the original margins?

raphik12 commented 10 years ago

Solution: select Atlas in Unity editor, then open Atlas maker window, then uncheck "Trim Alpha - remove empty space".