CyberCRI / learn-ext

WeLearn Browser Extension
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[R&D]Collections of missing translations #50

Open xuanqiz opened 4 years ago

xuanqiz commented 4 years ago

User story: A user expect to not have language difficulty while using WeLearn

Along with our update of user interface, English version always goes firstly. Here is a collection of screenshots of missing translations.

The screenshots are collected under language choice - French (but it shows English)


Capture d’écran 2019-12-16 à 12 57 18 Capture d’écran 2019-12-16 à 12 57 42


Capture d’écran 2019-12-16 à 12 58 13 Capture d’écran 2019-12-16 à 14 35 14 Capture d’écran 2019-12-16 à 16 47 36

My resources

Capture d’écran 2019-12-16 à 12 58 35
xuanqiz commented 4 years ago

remark: working on Chinese translation and will pull a request

xuanqiz commented 4 years ago

wait, isn't zoom out and zoom in means the opposite way?

xuanqiz commented 4 years ago


jmsevin commented 4 years ago


xuanqiz commented 4 years ago

@prashnts now you can implement them to the extension

xuanqiz commented 4 years ago

missingtranslation_frenchincluded_updated.txt just found a bug(some missings) and fixed it