CyberCRI / learn-ext

WeLearn Browser Extension
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[Popup Window]Personal Tag (?) #64

Open xuanqiz opened 4 years ago

xuanqiz commented 4 years ago

User story: A user wants to mark a resource by a tag in order to be able to search for resources related to this tag (example: event-reated tag, meat-category, type of resource...) in the map.

Connecting thoughts:

  1. In the future we will implement the search by tag. We will put the #tag in the search bar to search for a resource related to this #tag. We then expect to only see the resources related to this tag. in the resource list, and on the map.

  2. in the design, tag and notes will be written in the same place of the popup window cf below.

xuanqiz commented 4 years ago

figma popup window1

Capture d’écran 2020-02-17 à 17 07 22