CyberDeck / devise-fido-u2f

A devise module to authenticate additionally with a FIDO U2F hardware token, e.g. a Yubico USB security key.
MIT License
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Use fido_usf_authentication/new page before loading devise edit page #17

Open callags opened 5 years ago

callags commented 5 years ago

This is not really an issue, more of a "is this possible" question with the devise_fido_u2f gem.

What I would like to do is load the fido_usf_authentication/new page whenever only an admin account goes to /edit on my website. The idea is make certain if I were to change the password for an admin account through the website, I would need my yubikey to make sure I was allowed to get to the /edit page for devise.

I did bypass the default Devise registrations with my own registrations controller for my own reasons in my route file.

devise_for :users, path: '', path_names: { sign_in: 'login', sign_out: 'logout' }, :controllers => {:registrations => "registrations"}

Here is my edit method for the registrations controller that skips the default registration controller for devise. Right now I have set to test to make sure a user is an admin.

def edit redirect_to :root if !current_user.admin? end