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This repository is for meta discussion of the Cyber Discovery Discord server.
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Reshuffle emoji #359

Closed Bentechy66 closed 4 years ago

Bentechy66 commented 4 years ago

Move more frequently used emoji into level 1 boost status, or even 0 boost status.

As some of you may have noticed, we've just lost server boost level 2. Now, as you know, this means we lose around 50 emoji, some of which are the some of the highest-used on the server. I've compiled a list of emoji and how many times they've been used below, and suggest we reshuffle emoji as to allow for a better emojiing experience, by moving most used emoji into level 1 boost, and moving some of the lesser-used emoji down to level 2. The list is below:

Emoji list (Click to expand) **128 uses:** :sunglas: **111 uses:** :rolf: **102 uses:** :kekW: **54 uses:** :kek: **51 uses:** :blobcatuwu: **42 uses:** :hypers: **41 uses:** :hypersH: **34 uses:** :blobFluffyTwitsHotCoffee: **21 uses:** :blobwave: **19 uses:** :thonkharder:, :blobhug:, :sadglas: **18 uses:** :blobcatlove: **17 uses:** :reeeee:, :blurryeyes:, :blobnotlikethis: **16 uses:** :BlobUWU: **14 uses:** :rollsafe: **13 uses:** :butters: **12 uses:** :blobstriker:, :blobsob:, :bac: **11 uses:** :ana: **10 uses:** :blobcry: **9 uses:** :blobthinkingglare:, :blobcatnotlikethis:, :blobsad: **8 uses:** :rip:, :blobskid:, :blobwob:, :blobvoidwalker: **7 uses:** :blobFluffyTwitsRecursiveChoccie:, :blobtearful: **6 uses:** :whopinged: **5 uses:** :god:, :blobreach:, :blobcatcuteevil:, :blobbladedancer: **4 uses:** :ummmmm:, :quitethoughtful:, :lynesweat:, :bigblueb:, :confusedwat:, :ThisIsFine:, :blobgoodmorning:, :blobcatfbi: **3 uses:** :PepeKMS:, :KMS:, :thinkingeyes:, :shortcut:, :this:, :blobnobully:, :surprisedpikachu:, :verythis:, :blobban:, :blobokboomer:, :blobhero:, :blobcommunism:, :blobcatsweatsip: **2 uses:** :eggplanthand:, :dab:, :smirk:, :NoU:, :oof:, :tasty:, :WellHeyyyy:, :weirdtriangle:, :angrybentechy:, :pingthink:, :blobcheer:, :blobonfire:, :blobpatrol:, :blobfear:, :bigblued:, :blobinteresting:, :blobcosyandcomfy:, :blobcaticecream:, :blobportalthonk:, :beano: **1 uses:** :blobhmm:, :blobhyperthink:, :blobthonk:, :OhRlyNow:, :GodRage:, :notthis:, :AgentQ:, :AngryLyne:, :blobcheeky:, :blobparty:, :blobspy:, :blobthumbsup:, :googlefire:, :DabLyne:, :blobblush:, :blobfeelsevil:, :blobsleeping:, :blobtired:, :blobupset: **0 uses:** :thot:, :thinkharder:, :fingerguns:, :1337:, :fingerguns2:, :stingrey:, :wtf:, :lyneglasses:, :kali:, :jibhat:, :ablobbongos:, :HMMMMMM:, :BlobbleWobble:, :SuperRotatingThink:, :GoogleAssistant:, :detective:, :spooky:, :disappear:, :meow_party:, :carlton:, :nyancat:, :fbangry:, :ablobeyeroll:, :pwease:, :AwwEyes:, :pingturtle:, :you_tried:, :cat_ree:, :kermithi:, :freerealestate:, :blobidea:, :blobdetective:, :blobhammer:, :blobgo:, :blobmoustache:, :blobnogood:, :bloboutage:, :blobross:, :blobkissheart:, :blobpoliceangry:, :blobwhistle:, :blobzippermouth:, :blobthumbsdown:, :gentleblob:, :somewhatthis:, :eyes1:, :animeanger:, :angryping:, :PepoDance:, :okboomergif:, :yeetusdeletus:, :squidwarddance:, :onix:, :ablobguitar:, :cortana:, :hypeblob:, :angrybear:, :ablobhug:, :ablobexcited:, :blobcoolthonk:, :blobserverboost:, :blobdestinygunslinger:, :blobsmilesweat:, :ablobheadpats:, :ablobwavehello:, :blobokay:, :blobhappythink:, :ablobquitecool:, :ablobsleeping:, :ablobweary:, :danceplaaosert:, :ablobparty:, :blobwink:, :ablobmicrogravity:, :ablobconfused:, :ablobcatsnow:, :ablobsnow:, :ablobsnowballthrow:, :ablobsnowballhit:, :ablobwink:, :ablobgoogly:, :ablobuwu:, :ablobnervous:, :ablobthinking:, :blobawww:, :blobnomcookie:, :blobnervous:, :blobgoodnight:, :ablobraisehand:, :ablobsmile:, :ablobcookie:, :blobfistbumpleft:, :blobfistbumpright:, :blobcatft:, :bloblamp:, :blobcatburger:, :abloblaughing:, :ablobnogood:, :ablobpresents:, :ablobcatparty:, :ablobpanic:, :abloblovers:, :ablobgoodnight:, :ablobfurious:, :ablobwobroll:, :ablobwobwork:, :ablobwob:, :ablobreach:, :ablobwheee:, :ablobsalute:, :ablobbongocatpingspam:, :ablobhungry:, :ablobcry:, :ablobportalthink:, :ablobcarameldansen:, :ablobhyper:, :ablobscratchthink:, :pensivepanic:, :ablobdrool:, :ablobexcitedreverse:, :ablobgift:, :abloblamp:, :ablobmicrophone:, :ablobwavereverse:, :ablobenjoyrain:, :ablobjoy:, :aconfetti:, :ablobmaracas:, :abloblurk:, :ablobgrimace:, :ablobkeyboard:
lightspeedana commented 4 years ago

I can get behind this suggestion, and thanks for the list, but I've also noticed some of those are not server specific (e.g. smirk is a universal emoji). I don't really approve of the selfbotting frankly, and I don't know if you've counted reactions there.

NicholasG04 commented 4 years ago

How recent are these uses?

Bentechy66 commented 4 years ago

:smirk: renders because the server has an emoji called that, uses are counted from the past 4 days, one emoji per message, reactions not counted

woaisthisgit commented 4 years ago

A lot of the emoji in the 0 use category are animated, which have no effect on the amount of normal emojis servers can use. Should probably filter those out. Also why is only one emoji counted per message?

Bentechy66 commented 4 years ago

Why is only one emoji counted per message image

woaisthisgit commented 4 years ago

So would that message count as a use for sunglas, rolf, or sunglas+rolf?

Bentechy66 commented 4 years ago

that one message would count as one use for sunglas

woaisthisgit commented 4 years ago

Yeah thats my problem. Why doesnt it count as sunglas+rolf?

Bentechy66 commented 4 years ago

mainly to minimize the effect of people spamming huge emoji chain

lightspeedana commented 4 years ago

I can get behind the reshuffling, but we need a more objective way of measuring this as these statistics are (with respect) not very credible due to some of the aforementioned issues.

Bentechy66 commented 4 years ago

Statistics since 01/05/2020:

Click to expand **20758 uses:** :god: **934 uses:** :kekW: **794 uses:** :rolf: **582 uses:** :sunglas: **494 uses:** :kek: **321 uses:** :blobFluffyTwitsHotCoffee: **309 uses:** :blobcatuwu: **260 uses:** :hypers: **201 uses:** :hypersH: **180 uses:** :thonkharder: **169 uses:** :blurryeyes: **155 uses:** :sadglas: **148 uses:** :blobwave: **132 uses:** :rollsafe:, :blobstriker: **122 uses:** :reeeee: **112 uses:** :blobcatlove: **95 uses:** :blobthinkingglare: **83 uses:** :BlobUWU: **75 uses:** :blobhug: **73 uses:** :blobnotlikethis: **71 uses:** :thinkingeyes: **69 uses:** :blobsad: **66 uses:** :ummmmm: **61 uses:** :blobreach:, :blobcry:, :eyes1: **60 uses:** :blobcatnotlikethis: **59 uses:** :cat_ree: **55 uses:** :dab: **53 uses:** :blobokay: **48 uses:** :butters: **44 uses:** :blobhero:, :blobinteresting: **42 uses:** :blobcommunism: **41 uses:** :blobcatfbi: **40 uses:** :rip:, :blobfeelsevil: **38 uses:** :thinkharder: **36 uses:** :blobwob:, :blobvoidwalker: **35 uses:** :blobcaticecream: **34 uses:** :blobcatsweatsip: **33 uses:** :blobhyperthink: **30 uses:** :blobthumbsup:, :blobsob: **29 uses:** :blobtearful:, :blobskid: **28 uses:** :blobFluffyTwitsRecursiveChoccie: **27 uses:** :whopinged: **26 uses:** :blobdestinygunslinger: **24 uses:** :blobthonk:, :blobfear:, :blobcosyandcomfy:, :blobcatcuteevil: **23 uses:** :blobhmm:, :you_tried:, :blobnogood: **22 uses:** :lynesweat:, :this: **21 uses:** :PepeKMS:, :DabLyne:, :blobportalthonk:, :beano: **20 uses:** :blobban: **19 uses:** :blobokboomer:, :blobbladedancer: **18 uses:** :tasty: **17 uses:** :surprisedpikachu:, :bac: **16 uses:** :thot:, :AngryLyne: **15 uses:** :ana: **14 uses:** :1337:, :wtf:, :confusedwat: **13 uses:** :fingerguns:, :quitethoughtful:, :GodRage:, :blobawww:, :blobgoodnight: **12 uses:** :WellHeyyyy:, :angrybentechy:, :verythis:, :blobonfire:, :blobpoliceangry:, :blobnomcookie: **10 uses:** :KMS:, :blobnobully:, :ThisIsFine:, :blobcheer:, :blobcatburger: **9 uses:** :blobparty: **8 uses:** :eggplanthand:, :bigblueb:, :pwease:, :blobgoodmorning: **7 uses:** :smirk:, :NoU:, :lyneglasses:, :weirdtriangle:, :shortcut:, :AwwEyes:, :pingthink:, :blobhammer:, :blobsmilesweat: **6 uses:** :oof:, :stingrey:, :notthis:, :pingturtle:, :bloboutage:, :blobfistbumpleft: **5 uses:** :blobcheeky:, :blobkissheart:, :blobzippermouth:, :blobcoolthonk:, :blobwink:, :bloblamp: **4 uses:** :fingerguns2:, :spooky:, :kermithi:, :blobross:, :googlefire:, :bigblued:, :blobblush:, :blobnervous: **3 uses:** :blobwhistle:, :somewhatthis:, :blobfistbumpright:, :blobcatft: **2 uses:** :OhRlyNow:, :kali:, :AgentQ:, :freerealestate:, :blobidea:, :blobpatrol:, :hypeblob:, :blobhappythink:, :blobtired:, :blobupset: **1 uses:** :detective:, :blobdetective:, :blobgo:, :blobspy:, :blobsleeping: **0 uses:** :jibhat:, :ablobbongos:, :HMMMMMM:, :BlobbleWobble:, :SuperRotatingThink:, :GoogleAssistant:, :disappear:, :meow_party:, :carlton:, :nyancat:, :fbangry:, :ablobeyeroll:, :blobmoustache:, :blobthumbsdown:, :gentleblob:, :animeanger:, :angryping:, :PepoDance:, :okboomergif:, :yeetusdeletus:, :squidwarddance:, :onix:, :ablobguitar:, :cortana:, :angrybear:, :ablobhug:, :ablobexcited:, :blobserverboost:, :ablobheadpats:, :ablobwavehello:, :ablobquitecool:, :ablobsleeping:, :ablobweary:, :danceplaaosert:, :ablobparty:, :ablobmicrogravity:, :ablobconfused:, :ablobcatsnow:, :ablobsnow:, :ablobsnowballthrow:, :ablobsnowballhit:, :ablobwink:, :ablobgoogly:, :ablobuwu:, :ablobnervous:, :ablobthinking:, :ablobraisehand:, :ablobsmile:, :ablobcookie:, :abloblaughing:, :ablobnogood:, :ablobpresents:, :ablobcatparty:, :ablobpanic:, :abloblovers:, :ablobgoodnight:, :ablobfurious:, :ablobwobroll:, :ablobwobwork:, :ablobwob:, :ablobreach:, :ablobwheee:, :ablobsalute:, :ablobbongocatpingspam:, :ablobhungry:, :ablobcry:, :ablobportalthink:, :ablobcarameldansen:, :ablobhyper:, :ablobscratchthink:, :pensivepanic:, :ablobdrool:, :ablobexcitedreverse:, :ablobgift:, :abloblamp:, :ablobmicrophone:, :ablobwavereverse:, :ablobenjoyrain:, :ablobjoy:, :aconfetti:, :ablobmaracas:, :abloblurk:, :ablobgrimace:, :ablobkeyboard: <:ablobkeyboard:704191165435478058>: 0 uses

Includes one instance of each emoji per message (eg: :sunglas:, :rolf:, :sunglas: will count as +1 sunglas, +1 rolf)

clubby789 commented 4 years ago

Should probably filter out messages from bots, since I feel like humans haven't sent :god: 20758 times

ghost commented 4 years ago

Yeah there is literally no reason not to take the time to do this. As soon as the kinks with the stats are ironed out then this should be implemented.

ThisIs0xBC commented 4 years ago

I approve of this idea, most the emotes we have in the non nitro slots are from ages ago and nobody uses them :/

Things that are extremely context dependant or situation specific such as blobboutage should be moved into nitro emote space. Also, just remove the moderator emotes like :shortcut: etc please, they're useless (the only exception being :stingrey: because long live Jess' legacy)

Sh3llcod3 commented 4 years ago

The major issue with this idea is purely the fact that right now we are sitting at -50 emoji slots. That means for any kind of rearrangement to take place we will have to axe about 50 emojis unconditionally.

Until we hit boost level 2, we will not be able to add them back and frankly some of them have no source. I've seen the suggestion to copy the URLs from the existing images and upload them later, but that's something I want to avoid, since reuploading emoji that has been copied from an existing emote will result in them being compressed even further which will introduce severe artefacting, compounding the fact that some of them are already pretty grainy. I have promised that I will take a look and rotate some of the unused ones, but they'd number in the 10s or 20s at most.

Also I think there is a small misconception regarding nitro and non-nitro emotes, you can't move still PNGs/JPGs into the nitro emote slots, it only works with animated GIFs. Rearranging would pretty much involve redoing the entire 200~250 emote stack -50 capacity for no immediate gain.

The reasonable, sensible course of action here would simply be to wait until we naturally receive two further boosts and business can return to usual. 😁

Trefonix commented 4 years ago

For the above reasons we won't be doing a major emoji re-shuffle, at the very least until we're back at level 2 to add them back.

Bentechy66 commented 4 years ago

Here's a convenient(tm) zip of all the emojis that my friend sent me for you to reshuffle