CyberDiscovery / meta

This repository is for meta discussion of the Cyber Discovery Discord server.
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LTT Webhook for #tech #364

Closed n3bb closed 4 years ago

n3bb commented 4 years ago

Literally every single LTT video gets posted to #tech, so we might as well add a webhook and save Linucks the trouble of adding them by hand.

Sh3llcod3 commented 4 years ago


RealJammy commented 4 years ago

Or maybe a channel just for webhooks that isnt social, so live overflow videos and other interesting topics can also go in there

Sh3llcod3 commented 4 years ago

Absolutely. :+1: for live overflow, definitely falls within my top tier content creators.

thebeanogamer commented 4 years ago

Duplicate of #348