CyberDiscovery / meta

This repository is for meta discussion of the Cyber Discovery Discord server.
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Stop chavphobia in the server #393

Open jaccobstubbins opened 3 years ago

jaccobstubbins commented 3 years ago

Description of the issue There is lots of discrimination against people who identify a "chavs". They are often spoken about like they are less in our society when they are not. Often people say on the server how most of them are crimals, but this stereotype is not true. (You wouldn't say people in a certain race or sexuality are crimals just because a few people who identify in those categories are) This stereotyping is awful. Since the server mods quickly remove rasist and homophobic content it is only fair they do the same for chavphobic content. You cannot discriminate against types of discrimination.

Proposed solution Make the mods aware of the issue and make them actively recognise when this discrimination takes place. Make it clear that ANY type of discrimination is unacceptable in the server, especially discrimination against people from different backgrounds/cultures

NateKomodo commented 3 years ago

chavs have no rights