CyberLord09 / AnvayDNHSCompSci

Apache License 2.0
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Sprint 2 Pair 2 (Mihir and Tianbin) #4

Open Hypernova101 opened 6 months ago

Hypernova101 commented 6 months ago

Enemy Significant Enhancement

For this Sprint, we will try to add one of these two (if not both) enhancements to the enemies in the game. They are:

Shooting Enemy

The difference between the enemies we currently have and the new "Shooting Enemy" will be the way they attack.

We plan to create two new javascript file, one for the "Shooting Enemy" itself and one for the "bullet" that the enemy will shoot. The "bullet" will first invisible on the game, and every time when the Shooting enemy attack, the bullet's position will change and locate in front of the enemy and appear. At this time, it will record the current distance(x and y) from the enemy to player, and based on this distance, the bullet will then be directed to where the player was just now.(like bullet.x - record.x and bullet.y - record.y).

HP Bar to all Enemies

Just like the bullet we just talked about above, the HP Bar will also be a new javascript object. But this time, we plan to make the HP Bar as two objects, both objects are rectangle but one is for the max HP, or the background of the HP Bar, and one is for the current HP. The color of the max HP Bar will be gray, and the current HP Bar will be color like red or green.