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Text not wrapping at browser edge #135

Closed ntrel closed 2 years ago

ntrel commented 2 years ago

A horizontal scrollbar appears to read this post:

My window is about 4/5ths the horizontal width of my screen (4:3 monitor). I'm using Windows 8 if it matters. This is what I see (I cropped out the top of the text area):


The page seems to be using my screen width instead of the window width to calculate the text area. Please fix, this forces me to maximize the window - that makes it less comfortable to read as there is a larger horizontal range to move my eyes. I did not resize the window after loading the page, and refreshing makes no difference.

CyberShadow commented 2 years ago

Doesn't happen here, could you please provide more specific instructions to reproduce this. It would also help if you tried in multiple browsers with different rendering engines.

For plain text, I had to implement extra artificial break points, because browsers didn't have any facilities for forcing line breaks even if it meant breaking up "words". This is not done for Markdown, because the Markdown preprocessor takes plain text and emits HTML, and editing HTML is tricky at best and dangerous at worst. But, I don't immediately see any reason for why that to occur in the post you linked.

ntrel commented 2 years ago

This is with the latest Chrome browser: Version 95.0.4638.54 (Official Build) (64-bit)

It works correctly with Firefox.

CyberShadow commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Could you please check if the issue still happens on for you.

ntrel commented 2 years ago

It's fixed on the beta forum, thanks!

CyberShadow commented 2 years ago

Thanks, deployed.