CyberShadow / DFeed

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Show share button #63

Open wilzbach opened 8 years ago

wilzbach commented 8 years ago

Automatize tweeting every announcement - maybe even with the official DLanguage account?

CyberShadow commented 8 years ago

This and #64 are only reasonable if it's done with a fresh new group / account, otherwise all actually important announcements and discussion will get lost in the noise of the D forum announcements. But then, would anyone follow it?

See the d_language subreddit for an example of what I mean. Right now it's completely dead, killed by spam from a bot that reposts all announcements there. Although people said they liked it, it killed nearly all participation in the subreddit.

CyberShadow commented 8 years ago

This can be done with no code written:

wilzbach commented 8 years ago

See the d_language subreddit for an example of what I mean. Right now it's completely dead, killed by spam from a bot that reposts all announcements there. Although people said they liked it, it killed nearly all participation in the subreddit.

Fair enough, it seems pretty empty there (even though there are people liking those announcements). Maybe the better way is then to provide custom share buttons, so that the user can share his announcement easily if he wants to and then also is in charge himself of managing replies? Another plus of the share button would be that they get reminded about sharing it - which we also could put in the ui when one creates a new announcement thread?

CyberShadow commented 8 years ago

Share buttons is a possible idea. As long as it's not done by embedding other websites' widgets, as is popular. Perhaps a "share" action on the first post of every thread (like the "Subscribe" link), which opens a page or pop-up with the options to share it on Reddit / Facebook / etc.