CyberShadow / Digger

A tool to build D and bisect old D versions
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digger/work/result/bin should only contain executables, not ".o" object files #66

Closed timotheecour closed 6 years ago

CyberShadow commented 6 years ago
$ digger build

To start using it, run `digger install`, or add /home/vladimir/work/Digger/work/result/bin to your PATH.

$ ls ~/work/Digger/work/result/bin
dmd  dmd.conf  rdmd

Unable to reproduce.

timotheecour commented 6 years ago

interesting... i''m getting:

ls /Users/timothee/temp/digger/work/result/bin/ catdoc changed checkwhitespace contributors ddemangle detab dget dmd dustmite rdmd tolf catdoc.o changed.o checkwhitespace.o contributors.o ddemangle.o detab.o dget.o dmd.conf dustmite.o rdmd.o tolf.o

(i have = true)

timotheecour commented 6 years ago

indeed, the object files only occur when we add = true (without this, rdmd.o isn't added; with it, rdmd.o is added along with other .o)

CyberShadow commented 6 years ago

Fixed, thanks.