CyberShadow / Digger

A tool to build D and bisect old D versions
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The out-of-the box experience is dreadful. The README should be improved. #81

Closed don-clugston-sociomantic closed 4 years ago

don-clugston-sociomantic commented 4 years ago

The easiest way to improve things is to fix the README. My experience on Ubuntu:

It says that to get Digger:

$ dub fetch digger
$ dub run digger -- ...args...

The first line is fine. That works. The second line???? What does that mean? I'm just trying to get digger at this stage! What's this ..args..??? If you skip that second line and go to the next example

$ digger build

you get:

$ digger build
digger: command not found

So then, let's try $ dub run digger. Then you get:

std.getopt.GetOptException@.dub/packages/ae-0.0.2413/ae/utils/funopt.d(292): No action specified.
.dub/packages/ae-0.0.2413/ae/utils/funopt.d:292 int ae.utils.funopt.funopt!(ae.utils.funopt.funoptDispatch!(digger.Digger, ae.utils.funopt.FunOptConfig(null), digger.digger().usageFun(immutable(char)[])).funoptDispatch(immutable(char)[][]).fun(immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[][]), ae.utils.funopt.FunOptConfig([6]), ae.utils.funopt.funoptDispatch!(digger.Digger, ae.utils.funopt.FunOptConfig(null), digger.digger().usageFun).funoptDispatch(immutable(char)[][]).myUsageFun(immutable(char)[])).funopt(immutable(char)[][]) [0x555ea2d144d6]
.dub/packages/ae-0.0.2413/ae/utils/funopt.d:608 int ae.utils.funopt.funoptDispatch!(digger.Digger, ae.utils.funopt.FunOptConfig(null), digger.digger().usageFun(immutable(char)[])).funoptDispatch(immutable(char)[][]) [0x555ea2cfd41f]
.dub/packages/digger-3.0.0-alpha-9/digger/digger.d:278 int digger.digger() [0x555ea2c40ff2]
.dub/packages/ae-0.0.2413/ae/utils/main.d:34 int[][]) [0x555ea2c41438]
.dub/packages/ae-0.0.2413/ae/utils/main.d:45 _Dmain [0x555ea2c4145b]

That is disgusting. But at the very least, it would be so much better if you changed the example in the readme to: dub run digger -- build instead of ..args..

CyberShadow commented 4 years ago

Hopefully these changes should improve things.

I wish Dub had a --fetch switch for its run option, so that the Dub commands could be combined into one.

don-clugston-sociomantic commented 4 years ago
