CyberShadow / Digger

A tool to build D and bisect old D versions
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Digger bisect usability improvements #87

Open Geod24 opened 3 years ago

Geod24 commented 3 years ago

digger bisect is awesome, and the main reason I use this tool. However, it can feel very unfriendly at times.

I'll list a few points resulting to last night's use here:

CyberShadow commented 3 years ago

All good ideas, thanks!

Bisect has no option (that I could see) to do an interactive run.

You could use this as the test command for that: test "$(read -r -N 1 -p "Does the bug happen? [y/n] " && echo "$REPLY")" == n. Adding a native interactive option would be nice, perhaps make that the default behaviour if a tester isn't specified.

Yeah, that change was unpleasant, and we had an argument over it when it was copied over to rdmd. I'm still not sure if it was a good idea. In any case, the workaround is to specify --compiler=dmd. Not sure if it's something Digger can do something about other than get it documented.