Open yan12125 opened 9 years ago
Why not use dhclient
And, why not run ./dhcptest --mac $(ip link show eth0 | tail -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 6)
I am hesitant to add platform-specific functionality to this tool. I think there are many Linux-specific tools, e.g.:
I would love to something added such as --clientmac that would allow using the client mac without having to look it up first on windows or remember that string on linux.
Having a random mac is great for some networks but others that are slightly locked down using the clients is a lot more reliable.
dhtest and other linux-specific tools are also great tools on testing DHCP functionality. However, dhcptest is more handy becuase it dumps all DHCP options. I may try to implement the Windows corresponding part if I have time. After all, still many thanks to the information!
Here is some Windows code:
struct NetworkInterface
string name;
ubyte[] mac;
string[] ips;
NetworkInterface[] getInterfaces()
version (Windows)
// For this functionality, the Windows bindings are required:
// $ git clone win32
import win32.windef;
import win32.iphlpapi;
import win32.iptypes;
DWORD dwBufLen = 0;
GetAdaptersInfo(null, &dwBufLen);
PIP_ADAPTER_INFO adapterInfo = cast(PIP_ADAPTER_INFO)new ubyte[dwBufLen];
GetAdaptersInfo(adapterInfo, &dwBufLen).wenforce("GetAdaptersInfo");
NetworkInterface[] result;
for (; adapterInfo; adapterInfo = adapterInfo.Next)
NetworkInterface iface; =!string();
iface.mac = adapterInfo.Address[0..adapterInfo.AddressLength];
for (auto addr = &adapterInfo.IpAddressList; addr; addr = addr.Next)
iface.ips ~=!string();
return result;
version (linux)
// ...
assert(false, "This functionality is not available in this version or on this platform");
Windows interface names are long and don't make much sense, so it would be good to also allow using the interface IP address, using the same syntax.
I would like to use device MAC address in the --mac option. For example, on Linux, a possible usage may be:
I have an implementation at, however, I'm not familiar with D and the implementation is naive. Could you add the support?