CyberSource / cybersource-rest-client-dotnetstandard

.NET Standard client library for the CyberSource REST API
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Request Error After Updating RestSharp to v108.0.3 #57

Open DatMarsupial opened 1 year ago

DatMarsupial commented 1 year ago

We're on version of Cybersource .Rest.Client.NetStandard, and have updated our RestSharp package to 108.0.3 (to be compatible with the new version of Cybersource). Since doing so, we've been getting this kind of error from our API calls:

"Error converting value \"Void RestSharp.RestRequest..ctor(RestSharp.Method)\" to type 'CyberSource.Model.PtsV2PaymentsPost400Response'. Path '', line 1, position 53."

This specifically comes from the CreatePaymentAsync call in the Payment API.

Any ideas? Thanks!