CyberSource / cybersource-rest-client-node

NodeJS client library for the CyberSource REST API
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Invalid Swagger Schema #28

Closed tooolbox closed 3 years ago

tooolbox commented 4 years ago

In the combined schema .json file:

  1. There are ~30 instances whereby a field is declared as a "string" type and yet has a "minimum" validation specifier. Minimum is a numeric spec.
  2. Similarly, there are ~10 instances whereby a field is declared as a "boolean" type and yet has a "minLength" validation specifier. MinLength is a string spec.

This may be fine for languages that silently values between types, such as Javascript, but it can cause problems with more rigid languages.

ssethumavisa commented 4 years ago

Hi tooolbox,

Could you give us an example? so that we can check it, also we did fix a number of such data type mismatches, so which version of SDK you are using?


tooolbox commented 4 years ago

In terms of version, these are on your master branch.

Sure, here's output from diff showing the corrections to be made:

*** generator/cybersource-rest-spec.json    2019-10-06 20:45:50.000000000 -0700
--- generator/cybersource-rest-spec-fixed.json  2019-10-06 20:45:42.000000000 -0700
*** 1670,1680 ****
                                                      "maxLength": 3,
                                                      "description": "Number assigned to a specific card when two or more cards are associated with the same primary account number.\nThis value enables issuers to distinguish among multiple cards that are linked to the same account. This value\ncan also act as a tracking tool when reissuing cards. When this value is available, it is provided by the chip\nreader. When the chip reader does not provide this value, do not include this field in your request.\n\nFor details, see `emv_request_card_sequence_number` field description in the [Card-Present Processing Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n"
                                                  "fallback": {
                                                      "type": "boolean",
-                                                     "maxLength": 5,
                                                      "description": "Indicates whether a fallback method was used to enter credit card information into the POS terminal. When a\ntechnical problem prevents a successful exchange of information between a chip card and a chip-capable terminal:\n\n 1. Swipe the card or key the credit card information into the POS terminal.\n 2. Use the pointOfSaleInformation.entryMode field to indicate whether the information was swiped or keyed.\n\nPossible values:\n - **true**\n - **false** (default)\n\nThis field is supported only on **Chase Paymentech Solutions** and **GPN**.\n",
                                                      "default": false
                                                  "fallbackCondition": {
                                                      "type": "integer",
--- 1670,1679 ----
*** 1813,1838 ****
                                              "maximum": 99,
                                              "description": "Total number of installments when making payments in installments.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\n#### Chase Paymentech Solutions and FDC Compass\nThis field is optional because this value is required in the merchant descriptors.\n\nFor details, see \"Chase Paymentech Solutions Merchant Descriptors\" and \"FDC Compass Merchant Descriptors\" in the [Merchant Descriptors Using the SCMP API.]\n(\n\n#### American Express Direct, Cielo, and Comercio Latino\nThis value is the total number of installments you approved.\n\n#### CyberSource Latin American Processing in Brazil\nThis value is the total number of installments that you approved. The default is 1.\n\n#### All Other Processors\nThis value is used along with _sequence_ to track which payment is being processed.\n\nFor example, the second of 5 payments would be passed to CyberSource as _sequence_ = 2 and _totalCount_ = 5.\n\n#### CyberSource through VisaNet\nFor Crediario installment payments, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file*:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 23-25\n- Field: Number of Installments\n\nFor installment payments with American Express in Brazil, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file*:\n- Record: CP07 TCR3\n- Position: 7-8\n- Field: Number of Installments\n\nFor installment payments with Visa in Brazil, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file*:\n- Record: CP07 TCR1\n- Position: 7-8\n- Field: Number of Installments\n\nFor all other kinds of installment payments, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file*:\n- Record: CP01 TCR5\n- Position: 20-22\n- Field: Installment Total Count\n\n**Note** The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the purchases and refunds that a merchant submits to CyberSource. CyberSource through VisaNet creates the TC 33 Capture file at the end of the day and sends it to the merchant\u2019s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment card companies.\n"
                                          "firstInstallmentDate": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 6,
                                              "description": "Date of the first installment payment. Format: YYMMDD. When you do not include this field, CyberSource sends a\nstring of six zeros (000000) to the processor.\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on CyberSource through VisaNet.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 42-47\n- Field: Date of First Installment\n"
                                          "invoiceData": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 20,
                                              "description": "Invoice information that you want to provide to the issuer. This value is similar to a tracking number and is\nthe same for all installment payments for one purchase.\n\nThis field is supported only for installment payments with Mastercard on CyberSource through VisaNet in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5:\n- Record: CP07 TCR4\n- Position: 51-70\n- Field: Purchase Identification\n"
                                          "paymentType": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 1,
                                              "description": "Payment plan for the installments.\n\nPossible values:\n- 0 (default): Regular installment. This value is not allowed for airline transactions.\n- 1: Installment payment with down payment.\n- 2: Installment payment without down payment. This value is supported only for airline transactions.\n- 3: Installment payment; down payment and boarding fee will follow. This value is supported only for airline transactions.\n- 4: Down payment only; regular installment payment will follow.\n- 5: Boarding fee only. This value is supported only for airline transactions.\n\nThis field is supported only for installment payments with Visa on CyberSource through VisaNet in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5:\n- Record: CP07 TCR1\n- Position: 9\n- Field: Merchant Installment Supporting Information\n"
                                          "eligibilityInquiry": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 9,
                                              "description": "Indicates whether the authorization request is a Crediario eligibility inquiry.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nSet the value for this field to `Crediario`.\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on CyberSource through VisaNet.\n"
--- 1812,1837 ----
                                              "maximum": 99,
                                              "description": "Total number of installments when making payments in installments.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\n#### Chase Paymentech Solutions and FDC Compass\nThis field is optional because this value is required in the merchant descriptors.\n\nFor details, see \"Chase Paymentech Solutions Merchant Descriptors\" and \"FDC Compass Merchant Descriptors\" in the [Merchant Descriptors Using the SCMP API.]\n(\n\n#### American Express Direct, Cielo, and Comercio Latino\nThis value is the total number of installments you approved.\n\n#### CyberSource Latin American Processing in Brazil\nThis value is the total number of installments that you approved. The default is 1.\n\n#### All Other Processors\nThis value is used along with _sequence_ to track which payment is being processed.\n\nFor example, the second of 5 payments would be passed to CyberSource as _sequence_ = 2 and _totalCount_ = 5.\n\n#### CyberSource through VisaNet\nFor Crediario installment payments, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file*:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 23-25\n- Field: Number of Installments\n\nFor installment payments with American Express in Brazil, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file*:\n- Record: CP07 TCR3\n- Position: 7-8\n- Field: Number of Installments\n\nFor installment payments with Visa in Brazil, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file*:\n- Record: CP07 TCR1\n- Position: 7-8\n- Field: Number of Installments\n\nFor all other kinds of installment payments, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file*:\n- Record: CP01 TCR5\n- Position: 20-22\n- Field: Installment Total Count\n\n**Note** The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the purchases and refunds that a merchant submits to CyberSource. CyberSource through VisaNet creates the TC 33 Capture file at the end of the day and sends it to the merchant\u2019s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment card companies.\n"
                                          "firstInstallmentDate": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 6,
                                              "description": "Date of the first installment payment. Format: YYMMDD. When you do not include this field, CyberSource sends a\nstring of six zeros (000000) to the processor.\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on CyberSource through VisaNet.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 42-47\n- Field: Date of First Installment\n"
                                          "invoiceData": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 20,
                                              "description": "Invoice information that you want to provide to the issuer. This value is similar to a tracking number and is\nthe same for all installment payments for one purchase.\n\nThis field is supported only for installment payments with Mastercard on CyberSource through VisaNet in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5:\n- Record: CP07 TCR4\n- Position: 51-70\n- Field: Purchase Identification\n"
                                          "paymentType": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 1,
                                              "description": "Payment plan for the installments.\n\nPossible values:\n- 0 (default): Regular installment. This value is not allowed for airline transactions.\n- 1: Installment payment with down payment.\n- 2: Installment payment without down payment. This value is supported only for airline transactions.\n- 3: Installment payment; down payment and boarding fee will follow. This value is supported only for airline transactions.\n- 4: Down payment only; regular installment payment will follow.\n- 5: Boarding fee only. This value is supported only for airline transactions.\n\nThis field is supported only for installment payments with Visa on CyberSource through VisaNet in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5:\n- Record: CP07 TCR1\n- Position: 9\n- Field: Merchant Installment Supporting Information\n"
                                          "eligibilityInquiry": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 9,
                                              "description": "Indicates whether the authorization request is a Crediario eligibility inquiry.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nSet the value for this field to `Crediario`.\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on CyberSource through VisaNet.\n"
*** 2551,2631 ****
                                  "installmentInformation": {
                                      "type": "object",
                                      "properties": {
                                          "additionalCosts": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 12,
                                              "description": "Additional costs charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 128-139\n- Field: Total Other Costs\n"
                                          "additionalCostsPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 4,
                                              "description": "Additional costs divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 140-143\n- Field: Percent of Total Other Costs\n"
                                          "amountFunded": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 12,
                                              "description": "Amount funded.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 48-59\n- Field: Total Amount Funded\n"
                                          "amountRequestedPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 4,
                                              "description": "Amount requested divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 90.0 specifies 90%.\n- A value of 93.7 specifies 93.7%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 60-63\n- Field: Percent of Amount Requested\n"
                                          "annualFinancingCost": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 7,
                                              "description": "Annual cost of financing the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 158-164\n- Field: Annual Total Cost of Financing\n"
                                          "annualInterestRate": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 7,
                                              "description": "Annual interest rate.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 151-157\n- Field: Annual Interest Rate\n"
                                          "expenses": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 12,
                                              "description": "Expenses charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 64-75\n- Field: Total Expenses\n"
                                          "expensesPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 4,
                                              "description": "Expenses divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 76-79\n- Field: Percent of Total Expenses\n"
                                          "fees": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 12,
                                              "description": "Fees charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 80-91\n- Field: Total Fees\n"
                                          "feesPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 4,
                                              "description": "Fees divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on CyberSource through VisaNet.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 92-95\n- Field: Percent of Total Fees\n"
                                          "insurance": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 12,
                                              "description": "Insurance charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 112-123\n- Field: Total Insurance\n"
                                          "insurancePercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 4,
                                              "description": "Insurance costs divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 124-127\n- Field: Percent Of Total Insurance\n"
                                          "monthlyInterestRate": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 7,
                                              "description": "Monthly interest rate.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 144-150\n- Field: Monthly Interest Rate\n"
                                          "taxes": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 12,
                                              "description": "Taxes collected by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 96-107\n- Field: Total Taxes\n"
                                          "taxesPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 4,
                                              "description": "Taxes divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 108-111\n- Field: Percent of Total Taxes\n"
--- 2550,2630 ----
                                  "installmentInformation": {
                                      "type": "object",
                                      "properties": {
                                          "additionalCosts": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 12,
                                              "description": "Additional costs charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 128-139\n- Field: Total Other Costs\n"
                                          "additionalCostsPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 4,
                                              "description": "Additional costs divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 140-143\n- Field: Percent of Total Other Costs\n"
                                          "amountFunded": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 12,
                                              "description": "Amount funded.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 48-59\n- Field: Total Amount Funded\n"
                                          "amountRequestedPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 4,
                                              "description": "Amount requested divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 90.0 specifies 90%.\n- A value of 93.7 specifies 93.7%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 60-63\n- Field: Percent of Amount Requested\n"
                                          "annualFinancingCost": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 7,
                                              "description": "Annual cost of financing the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 158-164\n- Field: Annual Total Cost of Financing\n"
                                          "annualInterestRate": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 7,
                                              "description": "Annual interest rate.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 151-157\n- Field: Annual Interest Rate\n"
                                          "expenses": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 12,
                                              "description": "Expenses charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 64-75\n- Field: Total Expenses\n"
                                          "expensesPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 4,
                                              "description": "Expenses divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 76-79\n- Field: Percent of Total Expenses\n"
                                          "fees": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 12,
                                              "description": "Fees charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 80-91\n- Field: Total Fees\n"
                                          "feesPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 4,
                                              "description": "Fees divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on CyberSource through VisaNet.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 92-95\n- Field: Percent of Total Fees\n"
                                          "insurance": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 12,
                                              "description": "Insurance charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 112-123\n- Field: Total Insurance\n"
                                          "insurancePercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 4,
                                              "description": "Insurance costs divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 124-127\n- Field: Percent Of Total Insurance\n"
                                          "monthlyInterestRate": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 7,
                                              "description": "Monthly interest rate.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 144-150\n- Field: Monthly Interest Rate\n"
                                          "taxes": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 12,
                                              "description": "Taxes collected by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 96-107\n- Field: Total Taxes\n"
                                          "taxesPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 4,
                                              "description": "Taxes divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 108-111\n- Field: Percent of Total Taxes\n"
*** 4577,4587 ****
                                                      "maxLength": 1998,
                                                      "description": "EMV data that is transmitted from the chip card to the issuer, and from the issuer to the chip card. The EMV\ndata is in the tag-length-value format and includes chip card tags, terminal tags, and transaction detail tags.\n\nFor details, see the `emv_request_combined_tags` field description in [Card-Present Processing Using the SCMP API.](\n\n**Note** The information about EMV applies to credit card processing and PIN debit\nprocessing. All other information in this guide applies only to credit card processing. PIN debit\nprocessing is available only on FDC Nashville Global.\n\n**Note** For information about the individual tags, see the \u201cApplication Specification\u201d section in the EMV 4.3 Specifications:\n\n**Important** The following tags contain sensitive information and **must not** be included in this field:\n\n - **56**: Track 1 equivalent data\n - **57**: Track 2 equivalent data\n - **5A**: Application PAN\n - **5F20**: Cardholder name\n - **5F24**: Application expiration date (This sensitivity has been relaxed for cmcic, amexdirect, fdiglobal, opdfde, and six)\n - **99**: Transaction PIN\n - **9F0B**: Cardholder name (extended)\n - **9F1F**: Track 1 discretionary data\n - **9F20**: Track 2 discretionary data\n\nFor captures, this field is required for contact EMV transactions. Otherwise, it is optional.\n\nFor credits, this field is required for contact EMV stand-alone credits and contactless EMV stand-alone credits.\nOtherwise, it is optional.\n\n**Important** For contact EMV captures, contact EMV stand-alone credits, and contactless EMV stand-alone credits,\nyou must include the following tags in this field. For all other types of EMV transactions, the following tags\nare optional.\n\n - **95**: Terminal verification results\n - **9F10**: Issuer application data\n - **9F26**: Application cryptogram\n"
                                                  "fallback": {
                                                      "type": "boolean",
-                                                     "maxLength": 5,
                                                      "description": "Indicates whether a fallback method was used to enter credit card information into the POS terminal. When a\ntechnical problem prevents a successful exchange of information between a chip card and a chip-capable terminal:\n\n 1. Swipe the card or key the credit card information into the POS terminal.\n 2. Use the pointOfSaleInformation.entryMode field to indicate whether the information was swiped or keyed.\n\nPossible values:\n - **true**\n - **false** (default)\n\nThis field is supported only on **Chase Paymentech Solutions** and **GPN**.\n",
                                                      "default": false
--- 4576,4585 ----
*** 4614,4709 ****
                                  "installmentInformation": {
                                      "type": "object",
                                      "properties": {
                                          "firstInstallmentDate": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 6,
                                              "description": "Date of the first installment payment. Format: YYMMDD. When you do not include this field, CyberSource sends a\nstring of six zeros (000000) to the processor.\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on CyberSource through VisaNet.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 42-47\n- Field: Date of First Installment\n"
                                          "invoiceData": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 20,
                                              "description": "Invoice information that you want to provide to the issuer. This value is similar to a tracking number and is\nthe same for all installment payments for one purchase.\n\nThis field is supported only for installment payments with Mastercard on CyberSource through VisaNet in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5:\n- Record: CP07 TCR4\n- Position: 51-70\n- Field: Purchase Identification\n"
                                          "paymentType": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 1,
                                              "description": "Payment plan for the installments.\n\nPossible values:\n- 0 (default): Regular installment. This value is not allowed for airline transactions.\n- 1: Installment payment with down payment.\n- 2: Installment payment without down payment. This value is supported only for airline transactions.\n- 3: Installment payment; down payment and boarding fee will follow. This value is supported only for airline transactions.\n- 4: Down payment only; regular installment payment will follow.\n- 5: Boarding fee only. This value is supported only for airline transactions.\n\nThis field is supported only for installment payments with Visa on CyberSource through VisaNet in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5:\n- Record: CP07 TCR1\n- Position: 9\n- Field: Merchant Installment Supporting Information\n"
                                          "additionalCosts": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 12,
                                              "description": "Additional costs charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 128-139\n- Field: Total Other Costs\n"
                                          "additionalCostsPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 4,
                                              "description": "Additional costs divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 140-143\n- Field: Percent of Total Other Costs\n"
                                          "amountFunded": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 12,
                                              "description": "Amount funded.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 48-59\n- Field: Total Amount Funded\n"
                                          "amountRequestedPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 4,
                                              "description": "Amount requested divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 90.0 specifies 90%.\n- A value of 93.7 specifies 93.7%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 60-63\n- Field: Percent of Amount Requested\n"
                                          "annualFinancingCost": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 7,
                                              "description": "Annual cost of financing the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 158-164\n- Field: Annual Total Cost of Financing\n"
                                          "annualInterestRate": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 7,
                                              "description": "Annual interest rate.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 151-157\n- Field: Annual Interest Rate\n"
                                          "expenses": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 12,
                                              "description": "Expenses charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 64-75\n- Field: Total Expenses\n"
                                          "expensesPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 4,
                                              "description": "Expenses divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 76-79\n- Field: Percent of Total Expenses\n"
                                          "fees": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 12,
                                              "description": "Fees charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 80-91\n- Field: Total Fees\n"
                                          "feesPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 4,
                                              "description": "Fees divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on CyberSource through VisaNet.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 92-95\n- Field: Percent of Total Fees\n"
                                          "insurance": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 12,
                                              "description": "Insurance charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 112-123\n- Field: Total Insurance\n"
                                          "insurancePercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 4,
                                              "description": "Insurance costs divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 124-127\n- Field: Percent Of Total Insurance\n"
                                          "monthlyInterestRate": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 7,
                                              "description": "Monthly interest rate.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 144-150\n- Field: Monthly Interest Rate\n"
                                          "taxes": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 12,
                                              "description": "Taxes collected by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 96-107\n- Field: Total Taxes\n"
                                          "taxesPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maximum": 4,
                                              "description": "Taxes divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 108-111\n- Field: Percent of Total Taxes\n"
--- 4612,4707 ----
                                  "installmentInformation": {
                                      "type": "object",
                                      "properties": {
                                          "firstInstallmentDate": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 6,
                                              "description": "Date of the first installment payment. Format: YYMMDD. When you do not include this field, CyberSource sends a\nstring of six zeros (000000) to the processor.\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on CyberSource through VisaNet.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 42-47\n- Field: Date of First Installment\n"
                                          "invoiceData": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 20,
                                              "description": "Invoice information that you want to provide to the issuer. This value is similar to a tracking number and is\nthe same for all installment payments for one purchase.\n\nThis field is supported only for installment payments with Mastercard on CyberSource through VisaNet in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5:\n- Record: CP07 TCR4\n- Position: 51-70\n- Field: Purchase Identification\n"
                                          "paymentType": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 1,
                                              "description": "Payment plan for the installments.\n\nPossible values:\n- 0 (default): Regular installment. This value is not allowed for airline transactions.\n- 1: Installment payment with down payment.\n- 2: Installment payment without down payment. This value is supported only for airline transactions.\n- 3: Installment payment; down payment and boarding fee will follow. This value is supported only for airline transactions.\n- 4: Down payment only; regular installment payment will follow.\n- 5: Boarding fee only. This value is supported only for airline transactions.\n\nThis field is supported only for installment payments with Visa on CyberSource through VisaNet in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5:\n- Record: CP07 TCR1\n- Position: 9\n- Field: Merchant Installment Supporting Information\n"
                                          "additionalCosts": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 12,
                                              "description": "Additional costs charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 128-139\n- Field: Total Other Costs\n"
                                          "additionalCostsPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 4,
                                              "description": "Additional costs divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 140-143\n- Field: Percent of Total Other Costs\n"
                                          "amountFunded": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 12,
                                              "description": "Amount funded.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 48-59\n- Field: Total Amount Funded\n"
                                          "amountRequestedPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 4,
                                              "description": "Amount requested divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 90.0 specifies 90%.\n- A value of 93.7 specifies 93.7%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 60-63\n- Field: Percent of Amount Requested\n"
                                          "annualFinancingCost": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 7,
                                              "description": "Annual cost of financing the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 158-164\n- Field: Annual Total Cost of Financing\n"
                                          "annualInterestRate": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 7,
                                              "description": "Annual interest rate.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 151-157\n- Field: Annual Interest Rate\n"
                                          "expenses": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 12,
                                              "description": "Expenses charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 64-75\n- Field: Total Expenses\n"
                                          "expensesPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 4,
                                              "description": "Expenses divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 76-79\n- Field: Percent of Total Expenses\n"
                                          "fees": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 12,
                                              "description": "Fees charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 80-91\n- Field: Total Fees\n"
                                          "feesPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 4,
                                              "description": "Fees divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on CyberSource through VisaNet.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 92-95\n- Field: Percent of Total Fees\n"
                                          "insurance": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 12,
                                              "description": "Insurance charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 112-123\n- Field: Total Insurance\n"
                                          "insurancePercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 4,
                                              "description": "Insurance costs divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 124-127\n- Field: Percent Of Total Insurance\n"
                                          "monthlyInterestRate": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 7,
                                              "description": "Monthly interest rate.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 144-150\n- Field: Monthly Interest Rate\n"
                                          "taxes": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 12,
                                              "description": "Taxes collected by the issuer to fund the installment payments.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 96-107\n- Field: Total Taxes\n"
                                          "taxesPercentage": {
                                              "type": "string",
!                                             "maxLength": 4,
                                              "description": "Taxes divided by the amount funded.\n\nFor example:\n- A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.\n- A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.\n\nThis field is included in the authorization reply for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves\nthe cardholder's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.\n\nFor details, see \"Installment Payments on CyberSource through VisaNet\" in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](\n\nThis field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on **CyberSource through VisaNet**.\n\nThe value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file1:\n- Record: CP01 TCR9\n- Position: 108-111\n- Field: Percent of Total Taxes\n"
*** 5846,5856 ****
                                                      "maxLength": 1998,
                                                      "description": "EMV data that is transmitted from the chip card to the issuer, and from the issuer to the chip card. The EMV\ndata is in the tag-length-value format and includes chip card tags, terminal tags, and transaction detail tags.\n\nFor details, see the `emv_request_combined_tags` field description in [Card-Present Processing Using the SCMP API.](\n\n**Note** The information about EMV applies to credit card processing and PIN debit\nprocessing. All other information in this guide applies only to credit card processing. PIN debit\nprocessing is available only on FDC Nashville Global.\n\n**Note** For information about the individual tags, see the \u201cApplication Specification\u201d section in the EMV 4.3 Specifications:\n\n**Important** The following tags contain sensitive information and **must not** be included in this field:\n\n - **56**: Track 1 equivalent data\n - **57**: Track 2 equivalent data\n - **5A**: Application PAN\n - **5F20**: Cardholder name\n - **5F24**: Application expiration date (This sensitivity has been relaxed for cmcic, amexdirect, fdiglobal, opdfde, and six)\n - **99**: Transaction PIN\n - **9F0B**: Cardholder name (extended)\n - **9F1F**: Track 1 discretionary data\n - **9F20**: Track 2 discretionary data\n\nFor captures, this field is required for contact EMV transactions. Otherwise, it is optional.\n\nFor credits, this field is required for contact EMV stand-alone credits and contactless EMV stand-alone credits.\nOtherwise, it is optional.\n\n**Important** For contact EMV captures, contact EMV stand-alone credits, and contactless EMV stand-alone credits,\nyou must include the following tags in this field. For all other types of EMV transactions, the following tags\nare optional.\n\n - **95**: Terminal verification results\n - **9F10**: Issuer application data\n - **9F26**: Application cryptogram\n"
                                                  "fallback": {
                                                      "type": "boolean",
-                                                     "maxLength": 5,
                                                      "description": "Indicates whether a fallback method was used to enter credit card information into the POS terminal. When a\ntechnical problem prevents a successful exchange of information between a chip card and a chip-capable terminal:\n\n 1. Swipe the card or key the credit card information into the POS terminal.\n 2. Use the pointOfSaleInformation.entryMode field to indicate whether the information was swiped or keyed.\n\nPossible values:\n - **true**\n - **false** (default)\n\nThis field is supported only on **Chase Paymentech Solutions** and **GPN**.\n",
                                                      "default": false
--- 5844,5853 ----
*** 6971,6981 ****
                                                      "maxLength": 1998,
                                                      "description": "EMV data that is transmitted from the chip card to the issuer, and from the issuer to the chip card. The EMV\ndata is in the tag-length-value format and includes chip card tags, terminal tags, and transaction detail tags.\n\nFor details, see the `emv_request_combined_tags` field description in [Card-Present Processing Using the SCMP API.](\n\n**Note** The information about EMV applies to credit card processing and PIN debit\nprocessing. All other information in this guide applies only to credit card processing. PIN debit\nprocessing is available only on FDC Nashville Global.\n\n**Note** For information about the individual tags, see the \u201cApplication Specification\u201d section in the EMV 4.3 Specifications:\n\n**Important** The following tags contain sensitive information and **must not** be included in this field:\n\n - **56**: Track 1 equivalent data\n - **57**: Track 2 equivalent data\n - **5A**: Application PAN\n - **5F20**: Cardholder name\n - **5F24**: Application expiration date (This sensitivity has been relaxed for cmcic, amexdirect, fdiglobal, opdfde, and six)\n - **99**: Transaction PIN\n - **9F0B**: Cardholder name (extended)\n - **9F1F**: Track 1 discretionary data\n - **9F20**: Track 2 discretionary data\n\nFor captures, this field is required for contact EMV transactions. Otherwise, it is optional.\n\nFor credits, this field is required for contact EMV stand-alone credits and contactless EMV stand-alone credits.\nOtherwise, it is optional.\n\n**Important** For contact EMV captures, contact EMV stand-alone credits, and contactless EMV stand-alone credits,\nyou must include the following tags in this field. For all other types of EMV transactions, the following tags\nare optional.\n\n - **95**: Terminal verification results\n - **9F10**: Issuer application data\n - **9F26**: Application cryptogram\n"
                                                  "fallback": {
                                                      "type": "boolean",
-                                                     "maxLength": 5,
                                                      "description": "Indicates whether a fallback method was used to enter credit card information into the POS terminal. When a\ntechnical problem prevents a successful exchange of information between a chip card and a chip-capable terminal:\n\n 1. Swipe the card or key the credit card information into the POS terminal.\n 2. Use the pointOfSaleInformation.entryMode field to indicate whether the information was swiped or keyed.\n\nPossible values:\n - **true**\n - **false** (default)\n\nThis field is supported only on **Chase Paymentech Solutions** and **GPN**.\n",
                                                      "default": false
--- 6968,6977 ----
*** 8151,8161 ****
                                                      "maxLength": 1998,
                                                      "description": "EMV data that is transmitted from the chip card to the issuer, and from the issuer to the chip card. The EMV\ndata is in the tag-length-value format and includes chip card tags, terminal tags, and transaction detail tags.\n\nFor details, see the `emv_request_combined_tags` field description in [Card-Present Processing Using the SCMP API.](\n\n**Note** The information about EMV applies to credit card processing and PIN debit\nprocessing. All other information in this guide applies only to credit card processing. PIN debit\nprocessing is available only on FDC Nashville Global.\n\n**Note** For information about the individual tags, see the \u201cApplication Specification\u201d section in the EMV 4.3 Specifications:\n\n**Important** The following tags contain sensitive information and **must not** be included in this field:\n\n - **56**: Track 1 equivalent data\n - **57**: Track 2 equivalent data\n - **5A**: Application PAN\n - **5F20**: Cardholder name\n - **5F24**: Application expiration date (This sensitivity has been relaxed for cmcic, amexdirect, fdiglobal, opdfde, and six)\n - **99**: Transaction PIN\n - **9F0B**: Cardholder name (extended)\n - **9F1F**: Track 1 discretionary data\n - **9F20**: Track 2 discretionary data\n\nFor captures, this field is required for contact EMV transactions. Otherwise, it is optional.\n\nFor credits, this field is required for contact EMV stand-alone credits and contactless EMV stand-alone credits.\nOtherwise, it is optional.\n\n**Important** For contact EMV captures, contact EMV stand-alone credits, and contactless EMV stand-alone credits,\nyou must include the following tags in this field. For all other types of EMV transactions, the following tags\nare optional.\n\n - **95**: Terminal verification results\n - **9F10**: Issuer application data\n - **9F26**: Application cryptogram\n"
                                                  "fallback": {
                                                      "type": "boolean",
-                                                     "maxLength": 5,
                                                      "description": "Indicates whether a fallback method was used to enter credit card information into the POS terminal. When a\ntechnical problem prevents a successful exchange of information between a chip card and a chip-capable terminal:\n\n 1. Swipe the card or key the credit card information into the POS terminal.\n 2. Use the pointOfSaleInformation.entryMode field to indicate whether the information was swiped or keyed.\n\nPossible values:\n - **true**\n - **false** (default)\n\nThis field is supported only on **Chase Paymentech Solutions** and **GPN**.\n",
                                                      "default": false
                                                  "fallbackCondition": {
                                                      "type": "integer",
--- 8147,8156 ----
ssethumavisa commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the info tooolbox, we will get this fixed as soon as possible.