Open yogeshonline1 opened 5 years ago
Tried to call API though samples (C#) but it always through error "object reference error" Not sure what I am doing wrong.
Below is the stack trace, it failed in CallAuthenticationHeaders
Able to generate by own secratekey and able to download report and access others APIs using same credentials over here:
at CyberSource.Client.ApiClient.CallAuthenticationHeaders(String requestType, String requestTarget, String requestJsonData) at CyberSource.Client.ApiClient.PrepareRequest(String path, Method method, Dictionary2 queryParams, Object postBody, Dictionary2 headerParams, Dictionary2 formParams, Dictionary2 fileParams, Dictionary2 pathParams, String contentType) at CyberSource.Client.ApiClient.CallApi(String path, Method method, Dictionary2 queryParams, Object postBody, Dictionary2 headerParams, Dictionary2 formParams, Dictionary2 fileParams, Dictionary2 pathParams, String contentType) at CyberSource.Api.ReportDownloadsApi.DownloadReportWithHttpInfo(Nullable`1 reportDate, String reportName, String organizationId) at Cybersource_rest_samples_dotnet.Samples.Reporting.CoreServices.DownloadReport.Run() in C:\Users\agarwaly\Desktop\CyberSource Reports\cybersource-rest-samples-csharp-master (2)\cybersource-rest-samples-csharp-master\src\Samples\Reporting\CoreServices\DownloadReport.cs:line 35
2 queryParams, Object postBody, Dictionary
2 formParams, Dictionary
2 pathParams, String contentType) at CyberSource.Client.ApiClient.CallApi(String path, Method method, Dictionary
2 headerParams, Dictionary
2 fileParams, Dictionary
Also having the same problem, I've reported this in the SDK as well:
Tried to call API though samples (C#) but it always through error "object reference error" Not sure what I am doing wrong.
Below is the stack trace, it failed in CallAuthenticationHeaders
Able to generate by own secratekey and able to download report and access others APIs using same credentials over here:
at CyberSource.Client.ApiClient.CallAuthenticationHeaders(String requestType, String requestTarget, String requestJsonData) at CyberSource.Client.ApiClient.PrepareRequest(String path, Method method, Dictionary
2 queryParams, Object postBody, Dictionary
2 headerParams, Dictionary2 formParams, Dictionary
2 fileParams, Dictionary2 pathParams, String contentType) at CyberSource.Client.ApiClient.CallApi(String path, Method method, Dictionary
2 queryParams, Object postBody, Dictionary2 headerParams, Dictionary
2 formParams, Dictionary2 fileParams, Dictionary
2 pathParams, String contentType) at CyberSource.Api.ReportDownloadsApi.DownloadReportWithHttpInfo(Nullable`1 reportDate, String reportName, String organizationId) at Cybersource_rest_samples_dotnet.Samples.Reporting.CoreServices.DownloadReport.Run() in C:\Users\agarwaly\Desktop\CyberSource Reports\cybersource-rest-samples-csharp-master (2)\cybersource-rest-samples-csharp-master\src\Samples\Reporting\CoreServices\DownloadReport.cs:line 35