Cyberants-berlin / ryanair
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Implement Cron Job for Hourly Weather Data Updates #30

Open RocketRene opened 4 months ago

RocketRene commented 4 months ago


Develop a scheduled cron job that fetches the latest weather data from a specified API every hour and updates our database with the retrieved information. Description

To provide our users with timely and accurate weather information, we need to ensure that our application's weather data is current. This task involves creating a cron job that runs on an hourly basis, fetching weather data from our chosen weather API, and updating our database with the latest information. Requirements

The cron job must execute once every hour.
Implement the solution in TypeScript to align with our project's codebase.
Retrieve weather data from the specified weather API (API details will be provided).
Parse the API response and update the database with the latest weather information.
Implement robust error handling for potential issues with API requests or data updating.
Log both successful updates and any errors for future reference and debugging.
Development should occur in a feature branch