CyberdyneCC / Thermos

(NO LONGER DEVELOPED) Minecraft Forge Server Software implementing the Spigot/Bukkit API, formerly known as Cauldron/MCPC
GNU General Public License v3.0
258 stars 185 forks source link

Loads but can't connect #557

Closed Cosmology2727 closed 7 years ago

Cosmology2727 commented 7 years ago

Server Log: *

FML Log(s): *Isn't this the same as server log? If not, I don't know what the difference is in these logs. There is no crash report, because it's not crashing. Unsure of why you need to different logs from the server?

Explanation of issue: I installed the latest Thermos, tried it, then tried the second newest to see if it would work. In both cases the server starts up just fine, I go into Minecraft and can see the server. When I click to join, it just says "Loading" forever, and never actually connects.

How to recreate this issue: Install Thermos and try to connect to the server.

Modpack Name: Absolutely nothing installed yet. No plugins or mods yet.

Thermos Version: First try = 1558 Second try = 1614

Forge Version: Um... None? I'm using Thermos. I'm new to Thermos, but don't you use that INSTEAD of Forge? The instructions on how to install it say nothing about installing forge, so I'm quite confused. Perhaps this is my problem! Haha

spannerman79 commented 7 years ago

Unable to reproduce.

Non thermos issue

sameer commented 7 years ago


In that log that you attached, did you shut down the server manually?

midn1 commented 7 years ago

Happens to me, too. Just stuck on "Logging in..."

sameer commented 7 years ago

Are you using BungeeCord?

Time6628 commented 7 years ago

Most likely you are using build 58 and bungeecord.

JustZerooo commented 7 years ago
[12:49:04 INFO]: Attempting connection with missing mods [kimagine, fc-dummy] at CLIENT
[12:49:04 INFO]: CLIENT
[12:49:04 INFO]: [Server thread] Server side modded connection established
[12:49:04 INFO]: SMP: Sync dimensions to client
[12:49:04 INFO]: ChunkBuster2K7[/] logged in with entity id 430 at ([world] 89.5, 75.0, -4.5)
[12:49:05 INFO]: Sending server configs to client for com.enderio.core.common.config.ConfigHandler
[12:49:05 INFO]: Sending mutations to player: ChunkBuster2K7
[12:49:05 INFO]: Player EntityPlayerMP['ChunkBuster2K7'/430, l='world', x=89,50, y=75,00, z=-4,50](ChunkBuster2K7 at 89.5,75.0,-4.5) connected. Sending ping
[12:49:05 INFO]: SMP: Player logged in: Sync diminfo to clients
[12:49:05 INFO]: Sync dimension info to clients!
[12:49:05 INFO]: Send validation data to the client
[12:49:05 INFO]: ChunkBuster2K7 lost connection: Disconnected
[12:49:05 INFO]: ChunkBuster2K7 left the game.

Using FTB 1.7.10 Version 2.6.0 with your Version 55 and HexaCord (Supports 1.7.10), so what means this error? I am sure and checked, i have all Mods installed!