CyberdyneCC / Thermos

(NO LONGER DEVELOPED) Minecraft Forge Server Software implementing the Spigot/Bukkit API, formerly known as Cauldron/MCPC
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Lag Spikes #558

Open austin-wiechman opened 7 years ago

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

You will receive NO SUPPORT if you do not follow the template below. (Vous ne receverez pas aucune aide si vous effacer ce modèle)

Server Log: (Use Pastebin or Github Gist) Log

FML Log(s): (Use Pastebin or Github Gist) FML Log This is the area around where it told me to report the issue:

Explanation of issue: Server occasionally gets really bad lag spikes in which it only uses about 1/3 of the allocated ram. Most of the rest of the time it is around 19 - 20 tps but it can drop extremely low and time out players during these times.

How to recreate this issue: The console gives no lead as to what is the cause of the issue (as far a I can tell). It happens randomly.

Modpack Name: (Only if public) ACE Minecraft

Mods Installed: iC2 AOBD AdvancedLightsabers AdvancedVanilla2 Agricraft AnimationAPI Armourers Workshop Battle Towers BiblioCraft Big Reactors Botania Botanical Addons Brandons Core Carpenter's Blocks Chicken Chunks Chisel 2 CoFHCore Code Chicken Core Computer Craft Cookie Core Custom NPCs Custom Ore Gen Death Counter Defense Tech Dimension Guard Draconic Evolution Dragon Mounts Enchanting Plus EnderIO Ender Storage Ender Zoo Extra Utilities Extra TiC Factorization Farlanders Fast Leaf Decay Flans Mod Fluxed Crystals 2 Forbidden Magic Gravestone Gravity Gun Headcrumbs INpure Core Iguana Tinker Tweaks Immersive Engineering Jabba Loot++ Mantle Mekanism MineFactory Reloaded Mob Properties Mobius Core (Thermos Version) More Enchantments Morph Morpheus Mr Crayfish Furniture Mod MultiMine Mutant Creatures No More Recipe Conflict NEI Not Enough Resources Open Blocks Open Computers Open Mods Lib Open Modular Turrets Open Peripheral Opis Ore Dictionary Converter Pam's Harvestcraft Portal Gun Project Red Server Tools (Backup & Core) Simply Jetpacks SpACore Steves Addons Steves Factory Manager Storage Drawers (and Natura Addon) Fisks Superheroes Tinkers Construct Tinkers Mechworks Tinkers Steelworks Thaumcraft Thaumic Exploration Thaumic Tinkerer Thermal Dynamics Thermal Expansion Thermal Foundation TiC Tooltips Trailmix Wireless Redstone Warp Drive Lucky Block Security Craft Treecapitator Adventure Backpack AE2 Buildcraft Buildcraft Compat Darkcore Fastcraft iChunUtil Iron Chest Looking Glass McjtyLib MFFS Mystcraft Natura Resonant Engine RFTools Secret Rooms The Tardis Mod Thaumcraft NEI Plugin Thaumic Energistics Trash Slot Crafting Manager

Plugins Installed: WorldEdit Essentials killStats EssentialsProtect Minetrends GroupManager EssentialsChat ClearLag ChatControl MineStats Vault GriefPrevention EssentialsSpawn MassiveCore WorldGuard ProtocolLib EnjinMinecraftPlugin ShopGUIPlus Factions BuyHead Mobcash SimpleAlias JLib PromotionEssentials

Warmroast Report: (Optional)

Thermos Version: I think it was 58. But I don't remember and am not sure how to tell.

Forge Version: 1.7.10

sameer commented 7 years ago

Have you looked at the server log? It is constantly spamming an error for warpDrive.xsd. Did you setup your server properly?

As far as I can tell, the lag is due to mods. For the log you shared where it told you to report the issue here, you needed to wait 10 seconds longer for the timeout to occur so it will print the stack trace where it hangs.

If it happens again, please wait for the full 90 seconds and share that stack trace it prints out.

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

I'm sorry but I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. Do I need to remove warp drive or configure it differently? And what is the stack trace you are referring to? Also that log where it told me to report the issue is just a fragment of the FML log. I posted it as well to make it easier to find.

sameer commented 7 years ago

Sorry that I was not clear, I was on my phone at the time when I responded.

Basically: when the server gives you this message: The server is going slow. Last server tick was 36240ms ago

You want to wait until it reaches 90000ms. This is when it decides that it will probably not recover and prints a stack trace that indicates on what code the server got stuck.

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

I included the entire log... And 90 seconds later it didn't say any thing. A little bit before 90 seconds it said this: "[10:02:01] [Spigot Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Cauldron!):" and then had some other stuff. Is that what you are referring to?

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

Oops, Wrong button. Didn't mean to close the issue.

sameer commented 7 years ago

You're fine :wink:. I click on that sometimes by accident too, it's very annoying.

Yes that is what I was referring to, please pastebin that. :+1:

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

Didn't know how much to do, but here it is

sameer commented 7 years ago

That works! Do you know the exact number of mods you have? Also, do you have some sort of auto-saving task that executes? That seems to be part of the problem.

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

143 Mods (assuming I counted correctly) including those in the "1.7.10 folder" and the flans addons. Some of these mods (primarily mekanism and project red) are divided into several sub mods (in the folder I have mekanism, mekanism generators, and mekanism tools) I counted these as separate mods. As for auto saving, the host I use (anvilnode) uses a control panel called multicraft. Multicraft has an autosaving feature, which I think can be disabled.

sameer commented 7 years ago

I think that auto-save feature is part of the problem -- in the log, the hang originates from the execution of the save command: org.bukkit.command.defaults.SaveCommand.execute(

The server already automatically saves itself. Could you disable that autosave feature and see if performance improves?

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

Ok, I will try that, I don't know why it has the auto save feature if it auto saves itself...

sameer commented 7 years ago

Yea, it is a common misconception...

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

Also along with this, I get errors with several of the mods on boot like this: "22.10 17:07:40 [Server] WARN Mod ChickenChunks is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version" Don't know if it is bad or if it can be fixed...

sameer commented 7 years ago

For the modpack you are running, did the creator provide a default server setup configuration?

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

I made the modpack, so no. And I am fairly new to this, so I am figuring it out as I go.

sameer commented 7 years ago

That is probably part of the problem, no offense intended. It is likely that you missed adding some configurations.

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

None taken. I thought the mods generated the configurations. Where would I get the configurations.

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

Also do I need to do anything with warp drive? Or is that fine.

sameer commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure about the configurations, usually they are automatically generated, but some stuff seems to have been missing that should've already been there. When you downloaded the mods, did some of them have additional files?

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

No, at least not that I am aware of.

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

Ok, so the server has been running a while now and I checked the log. It hasn't crashed yet but it does still seem to be ticking slow occasionally like Here

sameer commented 7 years ago

For the mod related to the warp drive, could you check if there was a warpDrive.xsd provided? It seems to be incorrectly formatted according to the log.

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

The file is in the warpdrive config folder. Maybe if I delete it and have the game regenerate it.

Also the game it still ticking slow. So far no more crashes but still extreme lag spikes periodically.

Eufranio commented 7 years ago
22.10 17:07:40 [Server] WARN Mod ChickenChunks is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version

It's normal, dont worry :P

austin-wiechman commented 7 years ago

What about the server ticking slowly? It is still doing that, and I have yet to find a solution.

spannerman79 commented 7 years ago

How much RAM and what CPU clock speed do you have with your instance?

Dedicated/VPS or Game Service provider?