CyberdyneCC / Thermos

(NO LONGER DEVELOPED) Minecraft Forge Server Software implementing the Spigot/Bukkit API, formerly known as Cauldron/MCPC
GNU General Public License v3.0
258 stars 185 forks source link

Random crash using Thermos and RTG #565

Closed Eufranio closed 7 years ago

Eufranio commented 7 years ago

Sometimes, in my server, when players are generating new chunks, the server randomly crashes. It won't happen always, seems to be random...

How to recreate this issue:

Walk, walk and walk.

Modpack Name: Here Plugins: (47):

aUCVault, Itemizer, WorldEdit, OpenInv, Offline_Teleporter, BetterChunkLoader, ClearLag, AutoMessage, PlugMan, VipZeroFIX, Votifier, ConsoleSpamFix, ProtocolLib, WorldGuard, AutoSaveWorld, MagiUtils, MultiWorld, ChatReaction, eZProtector, AsyncWorldEdit, UUIDFetcher, SimpleORM, VIPSlots, PermissionsEx, Magi-GUI, Vault, MyCommand, BungeeTabListPlus, BetterAlias, ItemRestrict, FastLogin, xKit, Essentials, ScoreboardStats, Trading, RandomTP, HolographicDisplays, VipZero, Citizens, Legendchat, TagsGUI-2.0, ChestCommands, DiscordSRV, FramePicture, EssentialsSpawn, AuthMe, AuthMeBridge

Thermos build 58, Forge 1614 RTG 1.7.10-1.1.1

Time6628 commented 7 years ago

Dupe of I believe.