Cyberworld-builders / academy

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Create a Template for a Basic Study Workflow #1

Open jaylong255 opened 5 months ago

jaylong255 commented 5 months ago

What is a simple and effective baseline workflow for engaging study material for a 1-3 hour period of time?

Start by creating a markdown document in the docs/ folder. This will probably be used as a pull request or article template.

One example might include:

  1. Read a chapter from one of a list of suggested books.
  2. Copy the text from an image to a document.
  3. Generate voice readings from the text.
  4. Write a list of facts from the text.
  5. Find other books or sources of media that are related to the information in the text

Something like that.

Expect this to evolve constantly and considerably over time, so don't waste too much time on perfection. Just make sure it's an effective use of time that requires minimal equipment or resources and can be documented and used for something productive in the future.