Cyberworld-builders / academy

A designated place for educational and training docs, materials and exercises. Also a place to track issues and progress and a lab for code that can be potentially used elsewere.
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Propose workflows for content processing and production #10

Open jaylong255 opened 3 months ago

jaylong255 commented 3 months ago

Education involves the collection, analysis, processing, synthesis, generation, production of informational content.

The evolution of educational systems needs a series of massive leap frog advancements.

Initiate this process by proposing various potential workflows that will be valuable for realizing, developing and powering whatever advancements emerge from this movement.

jaylong255 commented 3 months ago

Why is there such a vast and increasing disparity between art, entertainment and education as humans age and mature?

Early childhood is filled with a rich and exciting educational experience whereas adulthood has no less information coming at you. It's just disproportionately boring, useless, or full of lies and bullshit.

jaylong255 commented 3 months ago

Take that data back. Make that system crash.