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HTB: Retired Box Walkthrough Study #11

Closed jaylong255 closed 2 months ago

jaylong255 commented 2 months ago

Choose a walkthrough of a retired HTB box and break it down step by step. Include a list of software, commands, tools, exploits, protocols and overall IT concepts. Define all of the terms and then expand upon them from a technical perspective. Make sure to include a summary explaining the hack in 3-5 sentences at the top. Just below that show the list of commands. Then a glossary of terms. After that, tell the story of the hack, stopping as needed to explain technical concepts in more depth.

The idea is to keep doing this with retired boxes until strategy and workflow patterns begin to emerge. Over time, as we notice trends, we can develop material that can be reused, inserted and linked to in various forms and contexts.

Here's a good playlist from Ippsec: IppSec - Hack the Box - Easy *nix Boxes Walkthroughs