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Intuitive CLI based user interface #26

Open asheshjyotii opened 2 days ago

asheshjyotii commented 2 days ago



Not the final version I assure!

asheshjyotii commented 2 days ago


Can you assign this to me? I'm working on it!

I'm trying to build it as a cli tool, +with interactive user input, +Choosing options, +cool animations, loading screen +beautifully arranged results (requests response , hits etc) and many more....

I think this would make it much more user friendly. And specifically pose it as a "CLI tool" rather than just a python script

I have designed a banner which would appear/remain during the program runs on basis of suggestions by #22 @B1GBOOM420

BRICKRAID commented 2 days ago

has anyone used textual/textualize before? the library looks interesting and might fit well for this project:

asheshjyotii commented 2 days ago

has anyone used textual/textualize before? the library looks interesting and might fit well for this project:

As per the docs this library is used to make sophisticated TUIs application, for gui application within the terminal. I'm currently using beaupy, it's much more light weight than textualize and serves this applications purpose well!

BRICKRAID commented 2 days ago

would you be able to make it so that beaupy can show the status of all running threads? eg. if one of the threads is running on a proxy and starts getting error responses from the target url? perhaps it could also allow the user to start another thread on demand. I've added a proxy function to PR #14 that shows how this could work

asheshjyotii commented 2 days ago

would you be able to make it so that beaupy can show the status of all running threads? eg. if one of the threads is running on a proxy and starts getting error responses from the target url? perhaps it could also allow the user to start another thread on demand. I've added a proxy function to PR #14 that shows how this could work

@BRICKRAID As much I understand from the docs, beupy doesn't have any inbuilt option for this, I will have to implement this separately:

Thread Status Tracking: We'll use a shared dictionary to track the status of each thread.

Dynamic Thread Management: We'll provide options to start new threads or terminate existing ones based on user input.

Error Handling: We'll log any errors encountered by threads. And then we can display it to the user concurrently.

I'm not sure about the idea, I would need to try it with your code!

Should I try ?

BRICKRAID commented 2 days ago

sounds interesting, you can try my code if you'd like :) you'd need to change it to support the shared dictionary though

asheshjyotii commented 2 days ago

sounds interesting, you can try my code if you'd like :) you'd need to change it to support the shared dictionary though

Okay I will update you!

asheshjyotii commented 20 hours ago


CLI interface is almost ready I have created a script where it fetches the current top 5 contributors using GitHub API and saves as .json and uses it.

I will soon ask for merge request, I hope you review it and merge it

I request all others working on this project implement features in the form of functions rather than top to bottom, this will help in integrating it with the interface I'm working on.

@BRICKRAID @kaycmendes @mela-nen @lp-pinkk

asheshjyotii commented 20 hours ago

Sushi-Mampfer commented 20 hours ago

Does it have proxy support yet?

PanosoikoGr commented 16 hours ago

@Sushi-Mampfer Made it in #27

asheshjyotii commented 13 hours ago

I will add my functionality to the currently merged code. Whichever merge request gets approved and merged first, others can update their code accordingly. If mine gets merged first, you can add your features to it and then submit a new pull request. This ensures everyone is on the same page and minimizes conflicts.

B1GBOOM420 commented 12 hours ago

ya at this point - the more work/implements we do - the more work we are making in the future until something gets merged - that being said, we have all made some cool stuff lol

@asheshjyotii - that looks awesome!!! I like the updating contributors section, that is super dope