CybroOdoo / CybroAddons

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Error importing module refer_friend_and_earn #297

Open elhaix opened 8 months ago

elhaix commented 8 months ago

Odoo v16

Installed Odoo Apps Dependencies
• Contacts (contacts) • Discuss (mail) • eCommerce (website_sale) • Website (website) • Invoicing (account)

Attempted .zip upload via: Apps / Import Module / Uploaded

Error while importing module 'refer_friend_and_earn'.

Module loading refer_friend_and_earn failed: file /tmp/tmpomfr_3ny/refer_friend_and_earn/security/ir.model.access.csv could not be processed: No matching record found for external id 'refer_friend_and_earn.model_apply_discounts' in field 'Model' Missing required value for the field 'Model' (model_id) Make sure those modules are installed and try again.