The current implementation defaults to the "read" mode when checking access permissions, which inadvertently grants users access to write, create, and unlink operations if they already have read access.
def check(self, model, mode='read', raise_exception=True):
"""Overrides the default check method to allow
only read access to the user."""
model_name = ['res.users.log', '', 'mail.alias',
'bus.presence', 'res.lang',
res = super().check(model, mode, raise_exception=raise_exception)
if self.env.user.has_group('odoo_readonly_user.group_users_readonly') \
and model not in model_name and mode in (
'write', 'create', 'unlink'):
return False
return res
The current implementation defaults to the "read" mode when checking access permissions, which inadvertently grants users access to write, create, and unlink operations if they already have read access.
Suggested code: