CybroOdoo / OpenHRMS

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Dockerize #115

Open nitin0211 opened 3 months ago

nitin0211 commented 3 months ago

Moved all the custom apps to addons folder. There might be a better way to do it in git to track the changes properly.

Run the docker docker-compose -f local.yml up -d

After running above command we might get permission issue to execute file. To check the logs

docker container ls

Above command will give the container id for odoo 16. Now copy the container id and run below command

docker container logs --follow container_id

Check the screenshot below.

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 8 04 44 PM

Now to resolve the permission issue, give the execution permission to .sh file using below command chmod +x

Now stop the docker and run it again, check below screenshot

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 8 06 02 PM

Now you can check the logs again, Docker should be up and running.

go to localhost:10014 (default master password:

If you want to change the default master password go to etc/odoo.conffile and search for admin_passwd and change it's value.

Add any python package requirements in etc/requirements.txt file

Database manager link http://localhost:10014/web/database/manager

gmish27 commented 2 months ago

this is a really helpful change @nitin0211 . Thank you for sharing with everybody