CycleStudios / Robin

Robin project management.
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Landing Page #4

Open harrycopeman opened 8 years ago

harrycopeman commented 8 years ago

Robin Content

All of the imagery here is not final, especially in the first section, I feel like an 'focus on the important things' is so brief that we should be clever with images. Looking for content feedback and then we can go from there :smile:



The introduction is designed to entise people, we want them to get excited about reading 1 line so they'll: a) sign up b) scroll for more

Focus on the important thing

The second section is then just re-itterating the point that Robin is sick, but not that we have their detail we can spend a little more time on it hence the several lines of text.

Clear forecasting

Now we truly have people onboard we can drill into the details. Our USP is the strong forecasting we give people, which is why I've chosen to lead with it. I'd love your thoughts on the full content here.

Simple Invoicing

Spot on, good work.

Other Features

I hate long landing pages and I'm struggling to imagine dedicating an entire section to another feature here. With sexy icons and good content we can deliver a final message of 'robin does it all'.

Sign Up/Coming Soon

Would love your ideas for this.


wlenzenjr commented 8 years ago

What's with the cursor after "freelance" in the header? Does that change to development?

Love the layout. The copy needs some work. How would you feel about simple illustration icons for those colored circles, but those same colors? Or, would that be on a next version of the site since we're still developing the language of the brand?

To save on space and make the site feel more balanced, on the desktop version how would you feel about putting the email box to the right of Coming Soon and subhed (which those would be left-justified)?

Love the footer.

harrycopeman commented 8 years ago

Sorry I didn't explain the header well, basically it will type it out, delete it then type something else out as a sexy animation, here are a few variants I was thinking could work:

For the coloured circles, they will definitely be replaced with icons :smile: I actually tried the left aligned text and email box on the right, felt unbalanced to me.

Glad you like it though, look forward to your ideas for copy :tongue:

wlenzenjr commented 8 years ago

Awesome. Let's keep moving forward with this design. As soon as I finish this work thing I'll write the copy.

wlenzenjr commented 8 years ago

@harrycopeman I made some edits. It's Artboard 1 Copy 2. Tried to tidy up the copy and rewrite things that weren't clear. artboard 1 copy 2

wlenzenjr commented 8 years ago

Updated with a background image. The opacity of the dark layer can be adjusted to let the geometric design through more. You can see the update on Figma, but here's the landing page with it. And the original design (without black opaque image over it) is after that so you can see if you want more to come through or not. artboard 1 copy

screen shot 2016-02-13 at 1 27 19 pm
wlenzenjr commented 8 years ago