Cycling74 / max-sdk

Software Development Kit for Max by Cycling '74
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Open panaiotis opened 4 years ago

panaiotis commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to use A_DEFER_LOW in the class_addmethod declaration. This is how it is defied in the ext_mess.h file: A_DEFER_LOW = 0x43, ///< A special signature for declaring methods. This is like A_GIMME, but the call is deferref [sic] to the back of the queue.

This is how I used it: class_addmethod(p_iclass, (method) pFpu_msg_setpos, "pos", A_DEFER_LOW, 0);

This is how my function is prototyped: void pFpu_msg_set_pos(pt_patch_mxa p_pmxa, t_symbol s, long argc, t_atom argv);

This is what I get when the "pos" message is sent to the external, which is a UI object. unknown message argument type patchUtils: bad arguments for message "pos"

What am I doing wrong? (I also tried A_DEFER with the same result.) I tried fixing the misspelling of deferred (from deferref) but without change :)

tap commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, these are both available only for Jitter objects when using the classic Max SDK