Cycling74 / min-devkit

Tools, documentation, and reference implementation of a Max Package built using the Min-API.
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min-devkit in Max does not create MC objects #141

Open mourendxu opened 4 years ago

mourendxu commented 4 years ago

As it stands, min-api supports MC objects, and there is an MC object in the example demo.

However, I can't seem to make the min-devkit Max patch to generate MC objects for me.

This is more of a feature request. I can get around it by copying over the example MC phasor~. It would be nice if the UI can handle this as well.

Much appreciated.

tap commented 4 years ago

The phasor~ and MC phasor~ are actually the same object. The key is that there is an init file in the package's "init" folder that tells Max to provide this.

Documentation can definitely be improved for how to do this on your own. Thank you for the report!

mourendxu commented 4 years ago

Ah great. Looking forward to an update on the documentation.

It's just a bit confusing because looking at min.phasor~ and, they seem to inherit from different classes. It would be great if you guys can fill out the documentation on mc objects as well.

I ended up just copying over the mc info~ directory, renamed everything, modified the test file accordingly.

But yah, documentation would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I am a little confused about the naming. It seems, by looking at the min-dev kit samples, mc needs to precede the package name. Is that a must? But I can't get mc to precede via the min-dev kit's Max interface.

Thank you.

tap commented 4 years ago

In an earlier version of MC the order of the prefixes was a must. I don't believe that is the case any more, but it needs to be confirmed.

mourendxu commented 4 years ago

Sounds good. Await updates.