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xebra.js/examples/06-p5js missing support files #130

Closed aumhaa closed 5 years ago

aumhaa commented 6 years ago

Seems like some files are missing from the package, I get:

Not allowed to load local resource: file:///Users/amounra/GitHub/miraweb/packages/xebra.js/examples/js/lib/boid.js

Did a search and nothing comes up, so I'm guessing some local files didn't get added to the package.

starakaj commented 6 years ago

Okay, I see. Looks like that file didn't get included somehow when we merged xebra.js into miraweb. Thanks for pointing this out!

starakaj commented 5 years ago

Somehow this never got resolved, and now I can't find this local file either...

catarak commented 5 years ago

since i made this example, i can fix this!