Cycling74 / miraweb

MIT License
138 stars 14 forks source link

client issue : doesn't register touches when a comment object is covering a UI object #137

Closed vichug closed 5 years ago

vichug commented 5 years ago

Hey, This patch for example :


On my device (safari ipad air 2, safari browser, accessing the page through a shortcut on the main ipad screen) ; if i touch the button object ; nothing happens. It is too bad ; comment boxes should be altogether ignored when user touches the interface. It is even so bad that sometimes it doesn't even work if the comment object is in the background ; maybe only true for transparent UI objects like mira.multitouch .

benbrackenc74 commented 5 years ago

@vichug I can't actually reproduce. What versions of Max and the Miraweb package are you using? I've tested on a few devices (iPad Pro, iPhone 8, desktop). Can you post your support info here? Thanks!

vichug commented 5 years ago

@benbrackenc74 Hey sorry for the delayed response ! Max is running on my machine : OSX 10.10.5 (Yosemite) node.js version when typing node -v in terminal : v0.12.7 miraweb is v1.0.1, because max is 7.3.1 ; maybe i should do an update here. I'll test with the updated version right away and close and apologize for the noise if it's an old bug !...

EDIT : Solved by updating, apologies for the noise ! Here is a dump of supp infos from my max :

    "version" : "Version 7.3.1 (340a77a) (64-bit mac)",
    "platform" : "mac",
    "arch" : "x64",
    "osversion" : "Mac OS X Version 10.10.5 x86_64",
    "samplerate" : 44100,
    "iovs" : 512,
    "sigvs" : 512,
    "scheduler_in_audio_interrupt" : "off",
    "audio_drivername" : "Core Audio",
    "audio_driver_subname" : "",
    "license" : "permanent full",
    "machine_id" : "b2076f0bbb57dda6410b506af64c60eb",
    "eventinterval" : 2,
    "overdrive" : "on",
    "mixerparallel" : "on",
    "mixercrossfade" : 0,
    "mixerlatency" : 30.0,
    "mixerramptime" : 10.0,
    "videoengine" : "hap",
    "packages" :    {
        "Max" :         {
            "name" : "Max",
            "domain" : 1,
            "domains" : 1
        "MSP" :         {
            "name" : "MSP",
            "domain" : 1,
            "domains" : 1
        "Jitter" :      {
            "name" : "Jitter",
            "domain" : 1,
            "domains" : 1
        "Max for Live" :        {
            "name" : "Max for Live",
            "domain" : 1,
            "domains" : 1
        "Gen" :         {
            "name" : "Gen",
            "domain" : 1,
            "domains" : 1
        "BEAP" :        {
            "author" : "Matthew Davidson, Peter McCulloch",
            "description" : "BEAP (Berklee Electro Acoustic Pedagogy) Modular is a synthesis pedagogical tool.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 1,
            "homepatcher" : "",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "6.1.10",
            "name" : "BEAP",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.0.0",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 32,
            "domains" : 32
        "max-mxj" :         {
            "author" : "Cycling '74",
            "description" : "Max Java Support",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.2.5",
            "name" : "max-mxj",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "7.2.5",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 32,
            "domains" : 32
        "MaxDefaultContent" :       {
            "name" : "MaxDefaultContent",
            "domain" : 32,
            "domains" : 32
        "MaxIntroLessons" :         {
            "name" : "MaxIntroLessons",
            "domain" : 32,
            "domains" : 32
        "Mira" :        {
            "author" : "Cycling '74",
            "description" : "Mira automatically connects to Max and mirrors your interface. This Mira Package update (version 1.1.9) is required for use of the Miraweb Package.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.1",
            "name" : "Mira",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.1.9",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 36
        "VIDDLL" :      {
            "author" : "Rob Ramirez",
            "description" : "The VIDDLL package installs a Jitter video engine adapter for, allowing file playback via the VIDDLL library.\n\nVIDDLL is an interface and set of utilities for cross platform, high performance, random access video playback. VIDDLL is copyright Paul Bamborough and Julian Storer. \n\nThis software uses code of FFmpeg - - licensed under the LGPLv2.1 - - and its source can be downloaded here -",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.1",
            "name" : "VIDDLL",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.9.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "1.0.6",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 32,
            "domains" : 36
        "Video and Graphics" :      {
            "author" : "Cycling '74",
            "description" : "Video and Graphics programming tutorials",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.2",
            "name" : "Video and Graphics",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "7.2.0",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 32,
            "domains" : 32
        "Vizzie" :      {
            "author" : "Cycling '74",
            "description" : "With VIZZIE, you just grab a few simple modules, connect them together and almost instantly have a VJ rig or interactive video work, complete with real-time effects.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 1,
            "homepatcher" : "",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "6.1.10",
            "name" : "Vizzie",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.0.2",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 32,
            "domains" : 32
        "_amoi" :       {
            "name" : "_amoi",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "adsr221" :         {
            "author" : "Masato Tsutsui",
            "description" : "A collection of audio-responsive OpenGL rendering patches from visuals master Masato Tsutsui. Clap your hands after launching.\nProgrammed by Masato TSUTSUI (\nFounder of Arque Inc. (",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "_adsr221.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "6.1",
            "name" : "adsr221",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "0.0.2",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "aharker" :         {
            "name" : "aharker",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "AudioMix" :        {
            "author" : "Manuel Poletti",
            "description" : "AudioMix is a small collection of audio patch blocks that may facilitate the building of simple virtual mixing consoles for your audio patches",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "AudioMix Overview.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.3.0",
            "name" : "AudioMix",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "1.0.2",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "bach" :        {
            "author" : "Andrea Agostini and Daniele Ghisi",
            "description" : "bach: automated composer's helper - a library for real-time computer-assisted composition",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "bach.overview.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "6.1",
            "name" : "bach",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "0.7.9",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "cage" :        {
            "name" : "cage",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "cm.grainlabs~" :       {
            "name" : "cm.grainlabs~",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "CNMAT Externals" :         {
            "author" : "CNMAT",
            "description" : "A collection of Max tools created by researchers at CNMAT in Berkeley, CA.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "CNMAT_Externals_Overview.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "none",
            "name" : "CNMAT Externals",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "1.0.4",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "CNMAT MMJ Depot" :         {
            "name" : "CNMAT MMJ Depot",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "csound~_v1.1.0_double" :       {
            "name" : "csound~_v1.1.0_double",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "cv.jit" :      {
            "author" : "Jean-Marc Pelletier",
            "description" : "A collection of max/msp/jitter externals, abstractions and help files for computer vision applications originally authored by Jean-Marc Pelletier.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "cv.jit-Object Guide.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "none",
            "name" : "cv.jit",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.8.0",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "dada" :        {
            "name" : "dada",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "ease" :        {
            "author" : "Cycling '74",
            "description" : "Use easing functions in Max for audio, visuals, and automation.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "Easing Functions.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.1",
            "name" : "ease",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.0.2",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "ejies" :       {
            "author" : "Emmanuel Jourdan",
            "description" : "ejies is a collection of abstractions utilities, digital signal processing, JavaScripts and Java tools.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "ejies-overview.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "6.1.10",
            "name" : "ejies",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "3.2.4",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "faustgen-0.87" :       {
            "name" : "faustgen-0.87",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "ForumMaxApps-All" :        {
            "name" : "ForumMaxApps-All",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "FTM.2.6.0.BETA-Max6-7" :       {
            "name" : "FTM.2.6.0.BETA-Max6-7",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "Gesture&Sound-2015-06-OSX" :       {
            "name" : "Gesture&Sound-2015-06-OSX",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "hap" :         {
            "author" : "Cycling '74 Labs",
            "description" : "Hap Video Engine for highly efficient realtime video playback. Intended for use with videos encoded with VIDVOX's open source Hap codec.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "hap-launcher.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.3.0",
            "name" : "hap",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.10.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "1.0.3",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "HoaLibrary" :      {
            "name" : "HoaLibrary",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "ircam-antescofo" :         {
            "name" : "ircam-antescofo",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "ircam-omax_m-Max6.1" :         {
            "name" : "ircam-omax_m-Max6.1",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "ircam-omax_y-Max6.1" :         {
            "name" : "ircam-omax_y-Max6.1",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "ircam-spat" :      {
            "name" : "ircam-spat",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "" :      {
            "name" : "",
            "author" : "Rob Ramirez",
            "description" : "Provides native Hap codec support.",
            "version" : "1.3",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "jit.leapmotion" :      {
            "name" : "jit.leapmotion",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "" :      {
            "author" : "Cycling '74",
            "description" : "A series of objects for generative motion graphics in Jitter, optimized for use with and The objects provide smooth time-varying animations that sync to the context.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.1",
            "name" : "",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.0.2",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "Jitter Recipes" :      {
            "author" : "Andrew Benson",
            "description" : "A growing collection of Jitter examples including video synths, OpenGL graphics, video feedback, live visuals, and more. Discover what you can cook up with Jitter and expand your repertoire.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "Jitter Recipes Launch.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "6.1",
            "name" : "Jitter Recipes",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "XP"

            "version" : "0.1.1",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "jpb-0.0.5" :       {
            "name" : "jpb-0.0.5",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "karma" :       {
            "author" : "Rodrigo Constanzo and raja",
            "description" : "A dynamically lengthened varispeed record/playback looper with complex functionality.",
            "displayname" : "karma",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "karma_overview.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "none",
            "name" : "karma",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.0.0",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "link" :        {
            "author" : "Cycling '74",
            "description" : "Collaborative objects in Max to work with Ableton Link.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "Link_launch.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.2.2",
            "name" : "link",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.9.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.2.1",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "LowkeyNW" :        {
            "author" : "Nathan Wolek",
            "description" : "Contains updated objects from the Granular Toolkit, a classic stereo reverb and some twists on standard MSP objects that makes them savvy about zero-crossings. ",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "LowkeyNW-Overview.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "none",
            "name" : "LowkeyNW",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.1.1",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "Max-SDK" :         {
            "name" : "Max-SDK",
            "author" : "Cycling '74",
            "description" : "Max Software Development Kit",
            "version" : "7.0.3",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "Gibberwocky" :         {
            "author" : "Charlie Roberts and Graham Wakefield",
            "description" : "Live coding Max from the browser.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "gibberwocky.maxhelp",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.0",
            "name" : "Gibberwocky",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "0.1.1",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "MaxSoundBox-2014-11-Max-6-7" :         {
            "name" : "MaxSoundBox-2014-11-Max-6-7",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "Max ToolBox" :         {
            "name" : "Max ToolBox",
            "author" : "Nathanaël Lécaudé",
            "description" : "The Max ToolBox is a tool that simplifies some aspects of patching within the Max/MSP environment.",
            "version" : "15",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "Miraweb" :         {
            "author" : "Cycling '74",
            "description" : "Mirror your Max patch on any device that is running a modern web browser. Requires the Mira Package v1.1.9 or higher.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "miraweb_launch.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.1",
            "name" : "Miraweb",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.0.1",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "" :         {
            "author" : "Benjamin D. Smith",
            "description" : "A toolbox of unsupervised machine learning algorithms implemented in Max to support on-line learning, and real-time interactive music and video, aimed at the non-expert computer artist.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "none",
            "name" : "",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.0.0",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "modalys" :         {
            "name" : "modalys",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "MuBu For Max" :        {
            "author" : "ISMM Team @ Ircam",
            "description" : "MuBu: A toolbox for Multimodal Analysis of Sound and Motion, Interactive Sound Synthesis and Machine Learning. Including: real-time and batch data processing (sound descriptors, motion features, filtering); granular, concatenative and additive synthesis; data visualization; static and temporal recognition; regression algorithms.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "MuBu-Overview.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.0",
            "name" : "MuBu For Max",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "1.9.4",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "MuBuExamples" :        {
            "name" : "MuBuExamples",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "NajoModularInterface_2" :      {
            "name" : "NajoModularInterface_2",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "note~" :       {
            "name" : "note~",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "Patter Tools" :        {
            "author" : "Adam Florin",
            "description" : "Patter Tools contains a minimal generative sequencer based on the Max For Live device Patter, as well as supporting externals and patchers.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "patter-tools.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "6.1",
            "name" : "Patter Tools",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "x64", "ia32" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "1.0.1",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "PeRColate" :       {
            "author" : "Dan Trueman and R. Luke Dubois",
            "description" : "Physical Modelling Synthesis tools based on Perry R Cook's 'Synthesis Toolkit'.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "PeRColate_overview.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "6.1",
            "name" : "PeRColate",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "1.2.0",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "petra" :       {
            "author" : "",
            "description" : "A collection of audio objects made for sample-precision polyphonic granulation.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "petra_overview.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "6.1",
            "name" : "petra",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "x64", "ia32" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.9.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "1.0.0",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "PGS-1" :       {
            "author" : "Cycling '74",
            "description" : "From the dark days of Pluggo comes the big fat sound of PGS-1, fully updated with support for MPE controllers.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "PGS1-Overview.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.2",
            "name" : "PGS-1",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "0.0.5",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "RTC-lib_70" :      {
            "name" : "RTC-lib_70",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "ru_max_tutorial" :         {
            "name" : "ru_max_tutorial",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "Samplor" :         {
            "author" : "Serge Lemouton",
            "description" : "This library provides some tools to build efficient samplers, allowing the importation of commercial sampler formats, precise loop tuning and more. It consists mainly in two external objects : samplor~ and (for \"keygroups\").",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "samplor.examples.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "6.1",
            "name" : "Samplor",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "x64", "ia32" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [  ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "3.0.0",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "smFilterPack" :        {
            "author" : "Surreal Machines",
            "description" : "gen~ audio filters for the masses",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "smFilterPack_Overview.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.0.5",
            "name" : "smFilterPack",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "0.0.3",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "SuperVPMaxMSP-2014-11-OSX-Max-6-7" :       {
            "name" : "SuperVPMaxMSP-2014-11-OSX-Max-6-7",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "Syphon" :      {
            "author" : "Tom Butterworth, Anton Marini",
            "description" : "Jitter externals for sharing OpenGL textures with Syphon enabled applications. Mac only, for similar functionality on Windows, check out the Spout package.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : null,
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "6.1",
            "name" : "Syphon",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [  ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.0.3",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "Vsynth" :      {
            "author" : "Kevin Kripper",
            "description" : "A series of modules built around Gen that together make a modular video synthesizer. With a Beap/Vizzie feel, the Vsynth introduces video synthesis and image processing with the efficiency of hardware-accelerated processes.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "vsynth_launch.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "none",
            "name" : "Vsynth",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "x64", "ia32" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "none"

            "version" : "1.2.2",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "XRAY" :        {
            "author" : "Wesley Smith",
            "description" : "A collection of useful Jitter utility objects for working with data, geometry, and video. Includes objects for quick sorting, contour mapping, water simulation, and more.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "XRAY Launch.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.0",
            "name" : "XRAY",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "1.0.1",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4
        "zsa.descriptors" :         {
            "author" : "Mikhail Malt, Emmanuel Jourdan",
            "description" : "Zsa.descriptors is a library for real-time sound descriptors analysis for Max.",
            "displayname" : "",
            "extends" : "",
            "extensible" : 0,
            "homepatcher" : "zsa.overview.maxpat",
            "max_version_max" : "none",
            "max_version_min" : "7.0.6",
            "name" : "zsa.descriptors",
            "os" :          {
                "macintosh" :               {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "10.7.x"
                "windows" :                 {
                    "platform" : [ "ia32", "x64" ],
                    "min_version" : "7"

            "version" : "1.1.1",
            "website" : "",
            "domain" : 4,
            "domains" : 4

