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[gradle] Multi threaded mode is failing for Kafka #1046

Open prabhu opened 1 month ago

prabhu commented 1 month ago

cc: @ajmalab GRADLE_MULTI_THREADED=true Use Java 17

Executing /Volumes/Work/sandbox/kafka/gradlew --console plain --build-cache dependencies :examples:dependencies :server-common:dependencies :connect:dependencies :clients:dependencies :shell:dependencies :raft:dependencies :metadata:dependencies :log4j-appender:dependencies :server:dependencies :core:dependencies :generator:dependencies :tools:dependencies :group-coordinator:dependencies :streams:dependencies :trogdor:dependencies :jmh-benchmarks:dependencies :transaction-coordinator:dependencies :storage:dependencies :api:dependencies :runtime:dependencies :json:dependencies :test-plugins:dependencies :mirror:dependencies :transforms:dependencies :storage-api:dependencies :basic-auth-extension:dependencies :mirror-client:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-0110:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-0101:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-0102:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-0100:dependencies :test-utils:dependencies :streams-scala:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-11:dependencies :file:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-10:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-20:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-27:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-22:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-24:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-23:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-31:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-25:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-33:dependencies :tools-api:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-21:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-28:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-30:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-35:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-26:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-36:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-32:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-34:dependencies :upgrade-system-tests-37:dependencies --parallel in .

> Configure project :
Starting build with version 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT (commit id 25118cec) using Gradle 8.7, Java 17 and Scala 2.13.12
Build properties: maxParallelForks=16, maxScalacThreads=8, maxTestRetries=0

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.

You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.

For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Cannot locate tasks that match ':api:dependencies' as project 'api' not found in root project 'kafka'.

* Try:
> Run gradlew projects to get a list of available projects.
> For more on name expansion, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Get more help at


No packages found. Set the environment variable 'CDXGEN_DEBUG_MODE=debug' to troubleshoot any gradle related errors.
prabhu commented 1 month ago


prabhu commented 4 weeks ago

@ajmalab ping

prabhu commented 1 week ago

@ajmalab ping. Will be nice to finish this and add it to the 10.6.x release.