CycloneDX / specification

OWASP CycloneDX is a full-stack Bill of Materials (BOM) standard that provides advanced supply chain capabilities for cyber risk reduction. SBOM, SaaSBOM, HBOM, AI/ML-BOM, CBOM, OBOM, MBOM, VDR, and VEX
Apache License 2.0
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Support for Hardware IDs #453

Open prabhu opened 2 months ago

prabhu commented 2 months ago

Currently, there are no PURL equivalents for Hardware. The closest I could find were:

The proposal is to add hwid as an array attribute under component and let the user populate the same with array of strings.

stevespringett commented 2 months ago


prabhu commented 2 months ago

@stevespringett are you proposing to use properties instead of a top-level id? It might be alright

stevespringett commented 2 months ago

There are many types of identifiers used in hardware devices. CycloneDX properties capture many of the common ones, but there are many industry-specific formats. For example UDI is required for medical devices in the U.S, but there are some challenges in terms of variants of the spec.

I think in order to support hardware identifiers natively, we would need to a simple way to add initial support identifiers used in the most common industries along with the existing support for general identifiers in the property taxonomy, but also allow future identifers to easily be added, My initial thought on this is to use enumerations.

"components": [
    "type": "device",
    "name": "my device",
    "hardwareProperties": {
      "identities": [
        { "type": "serialNumber", "value": "123456", "encoding": "TBD" },
        { "type": "gtin-14", "value": "12345678901234", "encoding": "TBD" }

Note, some hardware identifier schemes have optional or required encoding methods that should likely also be captured.