CyclopsMC / IntegratedCrafting

Craft stuff in Integrated Dynamics networks
MIT License
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[BUG]Crafting items through integrated crafting does not work. When trying to craft the following massages prevents it: "Missing storage ingredients" #70

Closed MisterObvious25 closed 2 years ago

MisterObvious25 commented 2 years ago

Issue type:

:bug: Bug

Short description:

Problem is similar to bug #56. Crafting Jobs cannot be started because it says items are not found on the network whilst there is plenty available when looking in the storage terminal.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Create a new world
  2. Create the network in the picture below
  3. Add wood to the chest
  4. All interface a on the same network number
  5. Try to initiate a crafting job trough the terminal

World can be shared if necessary

Expected behaviour:

Crafting works succesfully

2021-10-07_01 14 11 2021-10-07_01 14 16 2021-10-07_01 14 20 2021-10-07_01 14 24 2021-10-07_01 14 25 2021-10-07_01 14 32


CommonCapabilities-1.16.5-2.8.0.jar CyclopsCore-1.16.5-1.11.10.jar IntegratedCrafting-1.16.5-1.0.18.jar IntegratedDynamics-1.16.5-1.10.2.jar IntegratedTerminals-1.16.5-1.2.6.jar IntegratedTunnels-1.16.5-1.8.6.jar jei-1.16.5-

SirGeremiah commented 2 years ago

I've experienced the same behavior, with simple recipes (the only ones I've done so far) for planks, and crafting table.

rubensworks commented 2 years ago

How did you create the recipe exactly? Dies this occur for all recipes, or just for crafting tables?

SirGeremiah commented 2 years ago

I haven't had a recipe yet that works, but I've only created recipes that use a crafting table (piston, crafting table, oak planks). All give the same behavior MisterObvious reported. I can try something else, like a simple smelting recipe.

In my world, I should also note that the crafting table isn't vanilla - it's from FastWorkbench (though MisterObvious has experienced the same issue in another pack and in his Integrated-only test world, so I doubt the specific crafting table makes a difference.

MisterObvious25 commented 2 years ago

How did you create the recipe exactly? Dies this occur for all recipes, or just for crafting tables?

The recipe was created in a portable logic programmer. I also tried a Minecraft furnace recipe but this also does not seem to work.

rubensworks commented 2 years ago

The recipe was created in a portable logic programmer.

Manually, or via JEI?

Are you also using FastWorkbench @MisterObvious25? If so, could you retry without any other mods installed?

MisterObvious25 commented 2 years ago

@rubensworks I'm only using the mods listed in the bug report. The recipe was created with JEI. I am willing tot try it manually if you think this is the problem.

Not using FastWorkbench

Edit: just tried making the variable by putting in the items manually in the recipe grid, but gives the same result. Also tried using the normal logic programmer to no avail.

paixz commented 2 years ago

same issue here, from all the mods 6 1.8.5.

rubensworks commented 2 years ago

Fixed in Integrated Terminals 1.2.7. Should appear on CurseForge soon.