CyclopsMC / IntegratedCrafting

Craft stuff in Integrated Dynamics networks
MIT License
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Productive bee's combs to block form doesn't work. #95

Closed macCormack closed 11 months ago

macCormack commented 11 months ago

Issue type: Trying to craft 4 blazing combs to a blazing comb block.

Question:Not sure if this is a bug or what it should be labelled as so I decided to mark it as a question. I'm trying to craft 4 blazing combs to a blazing comb block, and the crafting interface is saying that the recipe is not valid. I tried with the example of a wood log to 4 planks and it accepted that just fine. Is there an incompatibility between the two mods? should i report it on productive bees issue page? Just unsure what to do at this time.

rubensworks commented 11 months ago

Someone will answer your question soon. In the meantime, you might be able to get help more quickly on our Discord server.

rubensworks commented 11 months ago

There might be something non-standard going on with that recipe. Will depend on how it's implemented in that blazing comb block mod. You can disable the crafting check flag on the crafting interface though, and it will try crafting the items anyways (but might fail if it's wrong after all).