CyclopsMC / IntegratedTerminals

Terminals for managing and overviewing Integrated Dynamics networks
MIT License
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Integrated Dynamics Storage Terminal Causing Server Crash on use #92

Closed zediious closed 1 year ago

zediious commented 1 year ago

Issue type:

Short description:

When interacting with an ID storage terminal, the server will crash almost immediately. The crash log is consistent each time this is performed.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Place an ID Storage Terminal, connected to a simple network (interface and a chest were done in testing).
  2. Open the terminal, experience consistent crash.

Expected behaviour:

I expect the terminal to open without crashing.


This issue occurs in All the Mods 7 - To the Sky, and the issue has also been reported on the modpack's tracker.

Log file:

Server crash log:

Making a guess, it appears as though Integrated Terminals is attempting to call client code, on the server. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/renderer/MultiBufferSource I can provide the server's actual log/debug, if that would provide more pertinent information than the crash log.

rubensworks commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting!